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I sat looking at my blank parchment. Quill in my hand, ink leaking. And absolutely zero thoughts.

For muggle literature I'm supposed write about my 'favorite love story'. I really wish I hadn't taken this course, my twin brother Matthias warned me about this.

The door opened.

"Nikolai, your father is taking me on a date tonight, no funny business" Mum entered my room

"Aren't you a little old for that?" I joked

"Very funny, you better be asleep by the time we come back, winter holiday is almost over" She closed the door

And it finally clicked.

Nikolai Nott

'My favorite love story' is my parents Ivory Livingston and Theodore Nott story. This isn't some lazy excuse. Because I've read about Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett, Achilles and Patroclus, hell even Feyre and Rhysand. But my parents love story is one Ive seen first hand, and it's the type of love that deserves to be written about. So I will.

My mother and father met at Hogwarts. They were only sixteen, it was the peak of the war and my mother just moved to London.

My mother didn't have an easy life, even after she met my father her life wasn't easy. Her father was an abusive man that thought emotions were a weakness. He would beat her and he hated who she was. So she learned how to feel nothing and care for no one.

My fathers mother died when he was only ten. My father says she was his favorite person. He witnessed his own father beat her constantly and when she died he took it all out on my father. He forced him to do things he never wanted to.

Most people who grow up in abusive households tend to love abusive people. But my father has never even raised his voice at my mother.

My father said the most he's ever seen my mother cry was when my twin brother Mathias and I were born. That she held us in her arms and said the cycle of abuse ended with us.

Perhaps they're my favorite love story because they beat all odds, and their story isn't perfect.

My father says wherever my mum walks flowers grow.

My mother says wherever my father is the sun shines brighter and warmer.

My father has cuts on his knuckles, mum says he was a fighter. That everything he has he had to fight for. His dark mark is now a scar mum says he won the fight.

My mother doesn't like talking about the war, but she talks about it with my father. He says silence is not weakness. He says my mother is our queen and we must treat her like it.

Years later, they've been married for so long yet their love hasn't changed. Mum still draws paintings for him. When mum has her bad days father runs her a bath and brushes her hair for her.

Love. That's the only word that can describe what they have. 

For this paper I asked my father when he fell in love. He laughed and got a real happy look in his eyes, 'she smiled and I knew that was a girl I'd get my knuckles bloody for. She smiled and I knew I would do anything to see her smile. At age sixteen she was my sun, my moon and all my stars'.

My mother says that she fell in love when she realized that he was the only person who felt like home. That she could be anywhere in the world but 'as long as Theodore Nott is by my side I know exactly where I am'

They say they have traveled lifetimes together, that in each lifetime they find each other and that for all lifetimes to come they will find each other.


AN: Thank you for all the love and support could not have done it without all of you ❤️

Leave any questions here <3

and just to clarify they have two children, twin boys Nikolai and Matthias Nott

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