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She burns for me. I forgot what it felt like to matter.

I lost myself, I allowed myself to lose the best parts of me. And somehow she still wants those broken pieces.

Father always said that true love didn't exist that you could love and be attracted to many people even at once. Mum would roll her eyes whenever he would say things like that.

I realized that at one point my mum was in love and it wasn't with my father. I never wanted to be like my father never loving anyone but myself.

I remember wanting to break her like how I was broken but now she stays put together for the both of us and i'm starting to feel like a person again

I even got one of her drawings tattooed on my arm. And well now i'm standing in front of her door with pink roses, I don't really know her favorite flowers maybe I should've asked.

She's in a grey long sleeve and blue jeans "Are those for me?" she looked up at me hiding a smile

Everytime she looks at me I feel like i'm getting dipped into an ice cold bath "I didn't know what flowers you liked so I went with roses"

She smiled and grabbed them quickly putting them in a vase with water, I made her smile and that's all that matters

"Lilies are my favorite flowers actually, the white ones with pink in the center"

Those were my mums favorite flowers. I went pale for a bit

"Those and you know those pink primroses, the meadow was covered in them"

Primroses, my mothers name was Primrose and she remembered because her face is flashing with panic

"I'm sorry it just slipped"

I shook my head "My mum liked to garden a lot, every bloody flower reminds me of her" I wrapped my arms around her

"Christmas is coming up" She looked up her chin on my chest

"Looks like it's only us two staying here again"

It feels weird sometimes thinking that we're sort of together now. It feels unreal.

"I want to meet your mom" She said and I was thrown off


"Take me to her grave I want to meet her"

"Love you've never even went to your mums grave, it might be too much" I stroked her hair

"We don't have to go, I understand if it's too soon"

"It's not that, I" I took a deep breath "No ones has ever gone with me, not even my father"

I have guarded anything concerning my mum close to my heart, and even talking about her with anyone makes me feel vulnerable and small. But Ivory doesn't make me feel like that.

"We can aparate from Hogsmeade first day of break" I agreed

She kissed my lips resting her head on my chest,

"Give me another tattoo love?" I wanted pieces of her all over me

"What did you have in mind?" She asked

In the magical world tattoos were easy to give yourself and impossible to take off as well.

"Pick your favorite quote" I trust her too much

She smiled and ran to her books and started flipping though so many pages and different books. "Anything I want?" She asked again

Is it too late to say no? "Yes"

She walked over without a book and wrote on a piece of parchment to transfer onto my skin

"Isn't a quote a bit stupid? What if no one gets it?"

"I'll know that you wrote it for me"

She finished writing and got her wand ready "It's going to be on your rib cage" She sat on my lap as I pulled off my shirt

She finished pretty quickly smiling at her work "Go look" she got off and I walked over to the mirror

"When you are young they assume you know nothing,

But I knew you"

"I love yo- it I love it Ivory" I picked her and kissed her. Because she's right. She knows me and I know her. It took awhile but I know her. And everything inside of her glows.

I'm choosing to ignore the fact that I almost told her I loved her.

we laid on her bed and I rested my head on her stomach as she started reading her book

"Why are you reading a book called 'The Virgins Suicide'?" I asked 

She put down the book "It's about boys that over-sexualize these girls that live in front of them, they overlook their cries for help and when the girls all end up killing themselves they act all shocked"

"Deep shit Livingston deep shit"

"You should read one of my books"

"No thanks your books are all sad and the main character only gets to be happy for a chapter or two before they're killed off or their love interest is"


She was throwing things everywhere destroying her closet. She ended up wearing dark blue jeans and a black turtle neck long sleeve and something she calls a 'puffer'

"Whats taking you so long" I groaned laying on her bed

"I want to look nice for you mom" She snapped putting on her rings all on her fingers.

Never thought i'd bring a girl to meet my mum. I never thought i'd meet a girl who gets nervous to talk to a headstone.

"It's by the manor at the family graveyard" I grabbed her hand tightly and aparated both of us

We walked for a bit and she held my hand, I couldn't even speak I felt nervous somehow

"Well this is it" We stood in front of the headstone she set down lilies that she had bought and stood next to me

"Mum this is Ivory"

This hurt. More than anything I wish I could have brought her back from the dead, she should be here. I want nothing more than for her to meet Ivory in real life.

Mum would've loved her, Ivory would have loved her too, they would've bonded over painting and flowers and mum would've told her embarrassing stories about me and Ivory would look through family pictures side by side with her.

Just the thought of mum standing next to Ivory brings tears to my eyes.

"Hey can I have a moment alone with her?" She asked I was thrown back a bit but I left going to sit behind them in a near by marble bench

She sat down in front of the headstone. There was no point in stopping the tears.

The girl of my dreams was just sitting with my mum talking to her.

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now