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It was a summer of silence, I stayed alone everyday in the new house. Father would come in with Jordan, Louie and Dan and we'd have a silent dinner then i'd go back to my room.

I finished reading through all my school books halfway through July, memorized the material by the beginning of August.

So by the time September 1st came I was awake at five, a bit nervous and felt uneasy. I sat in front of my vanity and inspected my face.

I had so much of my fathers face. We had the same green eyes that faded into light brown. Same straight nose, our bottom lip was bigger than the top. I never knew my mother, but I have a picture of her, and I have her high cheekbones.

I put on some blush I realized I might be tanner than most the kids here, I left my hair alone it was straight and framed my face.

Father said only first years wear their robes, which technically I am not a first year so I wore dark blue jeans and a floral shirt that tied in between my breast and exposed my stomach. My body looked more feminine this year then ever, at sixteen I finally developed breast and my hips now actually curved.

"Miss your father said to come down for breakfast and stop looking in the mirror" Our maid Jessica opened my door, she's been by my side since I was born, she even gets treated like family.

I walked down and sat next to my cousin Louie who was reading over the daily prophet, I had my usual fruit dipped in honey and toast. The breakfast was silent as well.

Punctual as always my father stood up thirty minutes before I had to be on the train and summoned my trunk down

"You're either early or late" He constantly said

"Besides you need to go change into a more modest shirt, people will be seeing you with me and your cousins"

I wanted to roll my eyes so badly "Yes father" I held my head high and walked back up to my room

I ended up just throwing on a light grey crew neck that had some writing in the front

"Much better Ivory" Father stood at the bottom of the stairs along with the other three all in black suits standing above 6'0

My wand was tucked on the side of my hip and I braced my self for the aparation, didn't take much father had been aparating with me since I was a child

Kings Cross was exactly how I expected it to be, loud, polluted, children running around everywhere, crying parents saying goodbye

It got rather silent when we walked by and everyone had their eyes on us, I was used to this and kept my head high my arms crossed in front of me

"I suspect I don't have to tell you the expectations I have for you?" Father turned to me

I shook my head "No father"

"Perfect, write to me if you wish to come home over winter holiday"

"Goodbye" I couldn't tell him I would miss him, that was a sign of weakness

I hugged all my cousins goodbye and went inside the train to find an empty compartment, I usually would sit with all my cousins, I never even made a friend at my other school.

I wasn't even sorted into a house which also meant I had no idea where to sit. Lucky me I came early enough that I found an empty one right away

I sat down and took out my sketch book, father never liked when I drew or painted he feared I would want to be an artist

No one came to sit next to me, people walked by and kept walking, I hardly paid them notice my knees were up and my notepad on them as I sketched the empty compartment

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now