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This school is so fucking weird. The quidditch team acts as if they own the school, the houses were completely divided and Hermione Granger is up my ass about helping her in potions.

Miles is nice to me, but I wasn't born last night, I see how he looks at my breast or his eyes linger on my bottom when I walk around him. He even invited me to the Halloween party

"Is this sexy enough?" Pansy kept turning around in her matching two piece set

"Very sexy" I smiled from the mirror apply lip gloss

I was wearing light blue jeans and a silk white tank top that exposed the top of my breast and my entire back

The music was loud and the common room was dark with a green light shinning through the room

"Blow off some steam?" Roman offered a newly rolled joint wrapped in pink paper

"Sober tonight" I shrugged, I knew better than to get high at parties

I sat down next to Draco who didn't seem to like to dance either, I always wished I could dance, my legs seems too long and my body too awkward

"Livingston why don't you go dance?" Theo smirked "Be a good girl for me"

I rolled my eyes noticeably "Have you no shame"

"None actually, why don't you loose some of that pride and dance" He threw his head back exposing his neck

"Have you always been a dick or is this you're new personality? You can't play the dead mom card on me Nott" I snapped and maybe I took it too far. Definitely took it too far.

"Have you always been a cunt or is this european weather affecting you?"

Draco didn't know what to do so he got up and left, I slid over next to him and grabbed his neck my nails digging into his skin

I felt embarrassed and I felt my skin burning and I couldn't even describe the feeling. Sometimes I think hating someone is just natural. It literally just clicked in my mind and just the thought of him lit my bones on fire

"I hate you, i've never hated anyone but I hate you Nott"

He gave me a smile, I would be stupid to say he wasn't handsome but I couldn't let him know

"Livingston the feelings returned, glad your mother died before she got to see what a bitch she gave birth to"

"Fuck you Nott" I got off the couch but I felt his arm wrap around my wrist

"You know I can tell you're a virgin"

I felt the heat rush up to my face "Leave me alone"

"I can tell the way you cross your legs, the way you try to show off your skin but you've never even been fucked right"

I pulled my wrist back "I think i'm giving Miles the chance today" I walked to where everyone was dancing and pulled him off of Daphne

"Hey Ivory" He smiled his arms wrapping around my waist

I pulled whatever fake confidence I had and kissed him. He tasted like burning alcohol and his fingers roaming down to my ass made me want to laugh

"Should we go to your room?" He asked

"Let's sit down here" We ended up sitting in the couch in front of Theo which I did on purpose, I kissed him filthily on purpose to.

His tongue literally down my throat, his hand now on my breast grabbing them rather aggressively. Sitting on his lap I could feel him getting hard pressing against me

His lips lowered down to my neck and he started sucking on it making me throw my head back "Holy fuck"

I made eye contact with Theo and Miles was kissing my neck licking every inch of it, I flipped him off then grabbed Miles' chin to kiss him again

"I want to fuck you so badly Ivory" He whispered in my ear

"I know you do... but no" I got off his lap and went to find Pansy. Turns out Daphne had left to the restroom crying her eyes out over Miles. Pathetic if you ask me

Pansy pulled me off the dance floor "Bloody hell she's crying as if he even liked her back" she laughed

"I think my first party was a success, going to go sit in my bath and think about my life choices"

"Yeah I can smell Miles' cologne all over you" She kissed my cheek as I went up to my room

I made the water extremely hot, adding in bath salts and a bath bomb that made the water light blue

I sat in that bath for two hours, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for thirty minutes at one point. I tried not to think about Miles and how his body was pressed up against mine. How he bit my lip dragging it out, how he looked rather handsome

I ended up avoiding him, he made it impossible always finding me somehow. Trying to make conversation with me but i've never been the talkative type

Daphne still shot me dirty looks in class, trying to talk behind my back in potions while Slughorn spoke up front, I swear I almost slammed her head into the desk

"Maybe if you weren't such a whore all the girls in slytherin wouldn't hate you" Theo whispered in my ear

"I live for the attention Nott, don't need it from you" I sneered

"If I remember it correctly his hands were on you yet your eyes were on me" I could feel his breath on my neck

"You couldn't keep your eyes off me the entire night Nott"

"How could I? That little shirt you were wearing, I could see everything and I think a part of you wanted me too"

I scoffed "I'm not into assholes, sorry love"

"But you're into me?" He smiled at me again, I hate when he does that

"Not everyone wants you, I certainly don't, maybe you should go comfort Daphne heard she's sad over the fact that Miles gets hard just thinking about me"

"I like the way those dirty words come out of your mouth" he ran his tongue over his bottom lip. He knows what he's doing

"So did Miles"

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now