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"Once we get to Malfoy manor you keep your mouth shut boy" Father grabbed the back of my neck

"Dunno a death eater meeting seems like the perfect place to make fifty year old friends" I sarcastically said and he tighten his grip on me

"I'm proud of you son, don't let me down now"

He's proud at me for becoming one of them, but i'll take it, this is the only time he's ever told me that

I took a seat next to him in my black suit, I always joked saying it was an 'all black tie' party, Dracos in front of me after that scandal at school he's not going back. This was a smaller meeting 'Inner circle' only

My mouth fell opened seeing Micheal Livingston take a seat at the front of the table, merlin he looks like Ivory, the same high cheek bones, same eyes exact same hair color.

But what's he doing here? Does Ivory know?

He smiled at me and I got deja vu, I felt sick to my stomach, even Roman and Draco can see it, they're both staring at him

Voldemort took the other end of the table. Fathers pissed, he's mad someone else is now Voldemort's favorite

"Micheal you have been faithful and loyal, it is time you are rewarded"

Ivory can't possibly know that he's here.

"The Livingston family is proud to wear the dark mark" He spoke in the same confidence Ivory did

"Oh Micheal I have heard rumors that your family in america does not even know"

There was a slight whisper

"My lord, my father is on his last leg, the company is mine, all my brothers shares are going to my daughter"

I swallowed hard

"Right well yes, where is this daughter of yours everyone else seems to be bringing their children"

"They have sons I have a daughter"

Yeah sir that daughter of yours packs a good punch.

"I've heard things about this Ivory, all good of course, expect I had some ears at the three broomsticks"

I was very confused where this was going

He stood up and walked over to him dropping pictures in front of him. Nope. Not just pictures. Pictures from her birthday, she's on top of my lap dry humping me her tongue in my mouth and more

"If you are to be minister your family cannot have that type of reputation"

He's going to be minister?

"I will speak to my daughter when I return" I could tell he was beyond angry

"Well that there is the boy from the pictures" He pointed at me

Thanks for calling me out I guess?

"My Theo?" Father moved his head to face him

He summoned the pictures to him and he was right in the second picture i'm taking a shot licking salt from her inner thigh and one with my hands on her breast grabbing them

"Keep your son away from my daughter"

"Maybe you should keep your daughter away from my son"

Nope. Merlin please no.

"My daughter finished top of her class, can't say the same for your son"

"Looks like your daughter likes to be on top of a lot of things"

"That is enough Nott, you should learn some manners, after all he is your new minister after Scrimgeour is dead"

Father settled down and Micheal had a smug look on his face, Roman looked as if he was going to burst out laughing.

After the meeting I thought father was going to beat me senseless but instead he said "You go ahead and keep shagging his daughter, i'm tired of american trash being put above us"

A week later the letters stopped.

And I started to worry, most of all I started to miss her.And then I worried more when Pansy wrote to me

"Ivory got a real beating, stop sending owls to her home her father is reading them and punishing her more. She says it's over 'whatever we had it's over' so please leave her alone Theo. It's bad."

Is her father really that mad this is daughter is a freak and likes to ride my face? Maybe I shouldn't be making a joke out of this.

At the beginning of August Micheal Livingston was made minister for Magic. That was the only time I saw her, in the daily prophet she was standing next to her father smiling. She looks slimmer I can already tell.

Roman and I are still going back to school, but honestly i'm glad Snape is headmaster now, I mean we'll be able to get away with anything

Around mid august is when I started finding random women in pubs, none of them her but all of them being able to numb me. Having sex fixes everything, or at least until I finish

She said it was over. So it's over. I'm a free man. I can have sex with whoever the hell I want. I hate myself. I think that's clear.

"Micheal Livingston is hosting a dinner get ready"
Father opened my door and I can't do it, I can't step foot into that house and see her. But then again I don't have a choice. Because when will I ever?

She was wearing a long lavender dress with her hair pinned up with pieces of lavender. Absolutely beautiful

"Notts, welcome in" Micheal gave us the most insincere smile and greeting. Ivory had not even looked my way, maybe she wouldn't.

They lived in a house that was the biggest i've ever stepped foot into and looked like something out of the great gatsby

The entire dinner I stared at her and she never once met my eyes. It was as if I never existed to her. Like she turned off her feelings towards me

People had said the Livingston's were manipulative people, I had seen it, when she threatened Daphne or even Miles to ruin his family it was all manipulation.

And I fell for it. I thought just because she didn't act that way towards me, I excused her behavior because it wasn't affecting me. But I can see her for who she is now. So clearly.

She's empty, there's nothing inside of her. On the outside sure she's beautiful and has a body like no other but she's empty. Nothing important inside of her.

I'm letting myself believe that. It helps.

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now