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I feel like Valentine's day is already enough pressure without it being your girls birthday as well.

Well I hope I don't freak her out, because I bought her a ring. NOT an engagement ring, she loves rings wears ten at all times.

So I got her one with a simple gold band she only likes gold rings, mine is silver. On the inside of hers it reads 'When you are young they assume you know nothing' And on the inside of mine it reads 'But I knew you'

I got up early and made her favorite breakfast which lucky for me is fruit dipped in honey and a sourdough bread with avocado on it. She hated tea so I attempted to make her coffee

I'm glad her birthday fell on a Saturday, all she wants to do now is study for the N.E.W.T.s which means she forces me to study for hours alongside of her

Pansy is not happy with me right now. She's still not over the fact that Ivory stabbed Daphne and has shunned me. But I think it's the fact that I stole her girl. I offered a threesome, Pansy slapped me and Ivory kicked me out of her room. Makes it even worse that Roman lets himself be controlled by her. Blaise is going insane by the fact that Luna was just recently rescued and is bitter Ivory's father was the one who had her disappearance hidden from the press.

I miss Draco, he wouldn't care actually he'd give me a pat on the back for finally convincing her to give me a chance.

I opened the door expecting to see her still in bed but she was running all around the room already showered and changed

"I was going to suprise you in bed"

"Oh Theo thank you really but my fathers in hogsmeade waiting for me apparently" I could see her panicking

"He's here? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well because I wanted to surprise you, OBVIOUSLY I DIDNT KNOW" She started putting on her boots and flipping a scarf around her neck

"Well happy birthday" I set the tray down

"I love you and thank you, I will be back later hun" she kissed my lips quickly before exiting the room quickly

So I sat by her desk eating the food, trying to get myself to like coffee but she drinks it black and it's disgusting.

It had been three hours, I even finished my weekend homework and now was just looking through her paintings. Ones even of me. Well my back and shoulders

I walked around with Josie remembering to feed her and laying down in the bed with her. Waiting for Ivory.

When she came back she just started cleaning. She didn't talk just started picking up things, organizing her makeup and jewelry. I know this behavior

"Love what's wrong?" I walked over as she hung up her clothes ignoring me


To pry or not to pry. "Did something happen?"

She scoffed and now she started slamming things ignoring me

"Remember Ivory we have to talk about our feelings"

"I'm not a fucking child stop talking to me like that"

"Why do I feel some of this anger is directed towards me?"

She noticeably rolled her eyes "Probably because you didn't tell me my father was at your fucking death eater meetings over summer"

She didn't say lie, because she never asked, I simply omitted the truth

"It wasn't my place"

"Okay" She kept cleaning as if the elves don't do that

"Just okay?"


I can tell from that tone it is not okay and she just wants to shut me up by telling me everything's fine

"I'm sorry, I should've told you once we started getting serious"

"You think?" She snapped making the bed neatly

"I knew it would hurt you, and I didn't think it was my place to tell you"

"I already said it's fine, I don't care" She started changing into some more comfortable clothes, she struggled to pull off her pants how mad she was and slipped onto her arse. I held in my laughter

"These fucking clothes are suffocating me" She started trying to take off her shirt on the floor

"I'm fucking having a panic attack and you're standing in the corner laughing" I now could see how she could clearly not breathe and her face was turning red

I wrapped my arms around her "Tighter or looser?"


I sat down fully and tightly hugged her whispering "Breathe in" waiting for her to breathe then saying "Breathe out" until she was able to calm down a bit

She held onto my arms for awhile after too "I'm sorry"

"Nothing to apologize for, lay down or bathe?" I know how exhausted her body is after those attacks

"Lay down"

"Okay love but let put you into some more comfortable clothes" I stood up and grabbed some sweatpants and a jumper

I unclipped her bra and put on the jumper for her and lifted her up slightly for the sweatpants. I cradled her like a baby and carried her to the bed setting her down

"Here's Josie" I handed her, her cat. That's the main reason I bought it for her, I know how bad her anxiety can get and mum said cats helped her with her 'head issues' I was too young to understand what mental illnesses were

I lit a candle with my wand and stroked her hair "I got you a gift, you feeling up to it?"

She turned around and nodded, I slowly slipped the ring out of my pocket and handed it to her. I should've wrapped it

"The inside" she smiled putting it on her finger

"Matching ones" I pulled off my ring and showed it to her, she smiled my insides flipped. No matter what her smile mends everything inside of me.

"Thank you" she kissed my cheek "I'm sorry for breaking down"

"There's nothing to apologize for, absolutely nothing"

"I love you" She moved closer and I wrapped my arm around her

"I love you more" I reminded her and held her until she fell asleep breathing peacefully.

Love, will get us through this. Love.

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now