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I was dreaming again. Dreaming of her. She lays next to me and sings me a soft song, her fingers running through my hair. I can hear her laugh, I swear if I could capture that laugh I would never need drugs again

She's usually nicer in my dreams.

The holidays are coming. Everyone but Ivory and I are going home. I wonder how it'll be just us two.

"Did Luna say yes to you?" Roman asked him as Blaise was putting on his suit

Blaise smiled "I'm picking her up at Ravenclaw tower right now" I wondered what it would be like to get excited over someone

"We need a photographer" The girls entered the room

Ivory. In that dress. It was a very light blue dress that was tight around her hips but still modest, it was long sleeved but those legs. Her hair was pinned up with white flowers. She had gold on her eyelids.

I couldn't keep my eyes off her, i've never seen anyone as beautiful, it wasn't even beauty it was perfection. And I hate her for that.

Roman ended up taking their polaroids, she smiled in all of them, that smile. I hate it.

I didn't even notice I was standing up when she looked over at me. My stomach dropped.

"You look nice" I finally got it out she smiled at me. Nice? Why the fuck did I say nice?

"So you do have manners"

"Don't get used it"

"I wouldn't dare Nott"

I want to grab her face and kiss her. Not even just kiss her I want to lift up that dress and taste her. I want to fuck her all night, wake up and do it again. I hate her but I want her so badly.

"Have fun tonight ladies" Roman hugged Pansy for longer than usual

I stayed in my room, lit a joint with Roman, dunno where Draco went, well I know what he was trying to do.

"You should try to be nice to her"


"You know who"

"I don't need anymore friends" The truth is I didn't want anyone else to lose

"I'm just saying she's nice"

"Does everyone just ignore when she acts like a cunt?"

He shook his head "You almost always start it"

I pulled my sweater sleeve up and stared at the mark, it was disgusting it was possessive and now it was a part of me, it would always be.

"Did you ever think this would be our lives?" I asked him

"Never, you know me i've always wanted to play quidditch professionally" Romans with his dreams "Maybe I still will, after the war if I explain how I never wanted this mark"

"If they win everyone will hate us, they have every right to hate us"

Roman shrugged "I wish sometimes we had a choice, I mean a choice that wasn't join or be killed"

"Have you told Pansy?"

His eyes flickered "Yeah, she kissed my cheek"

"She didn't care?"

"I don't think so, I mean her father is one"

I wondered what Ivory would do if I showed her my mark, would she be disgusted? I mean she already doesn't like me, this could make it worse.

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now