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I think everyone hates their birthday. I always end up crying on my birthday and I hate it. And myself some times.

I was laying on my side, Valentine's day is lame without it being my birthday.

The red and pink hearts everywhere, all the couples together kissing and hugging in public. Sometimes I want to have something like that.

"Happy Birthday" Pansy kissed my cheek in bed as we woke up "Let's get some breakfast, go to hogsmeade"

I sat up and and went to brush my teeth before going to lay back in bed. When I came back Theo was in there

I  sat back on my bed "Morning" I yawned  giving him a small smile

He went down on his knees "Pansy leave" He looked
up at her

"Theo this is not the time we haven't even had breakfast" She crossed her arms

"I'm about to eat my fill Pansy"

I leaned back pulling my up night gown

"Ivory you better come down to breakfast" She grabbed her small bag and left the room

Theo grabbed the hem of my underwear and pulled it off. He licked my clit slowly slipping two fingers inside of me

I felt my body tense and I grabbed the sheets around me feeling my body heat up my center throbbing

"Right there" I moaned and grabbed his head pushing him further into me. He removed his fingers and slipped his tongue inside of me

He started grabbing my breast from the inside of my night gown

He stayed there just for awhile his tongue inside of me and his thumb rubbing on my clit

"Cum on my face, I want to taste you"

I listened, I think i'll only ever listen to him in bed, as he started sucking on my clit again making my back arch and I released one last moan looking up at him licking me clean

"Happy birthday Livingston you taste like fucking peaches"

I kissed his cheek. He's just so handsome, I don't know how to act sometimes.

"I got you a birthday present" He awkwardly stood up and walked over to the desk and grabbed the box that was there

"Thank you" I knew I was blushing

"You don't even know what it is, what if you hate it?" He smiled at me 

"I thought what you did right now was my present" I joked

He cocked his head back and gave me that infamous smile "That was more of a present for me" he handed it to me

It was a new sketch book, the cover was black with a white sketch of roses and other flowers

"I did my best to draw the meadow for you, and I saw you were running out of pages" He turned slightly pink

"You drew this for me?" I didn't even know he could draw

"Maybe when you draw you could think of me"

Oh Theo im always thinking of you

"Thank you, I love it" I wrapped my arms around his waist and he kissed the top of my head

After he left I went to go shower, I put on a white skirt and a red shirt that wrapped around my breast making them look bigger.

Walking down to breakfast I sat next to Pansy and Blaise slightly embarrassed when the table sang happy birthday to me.

"Happy birthday Ivory you look absolutely delicious" Lucian put his hand on my shoulder

"Yeah mate I ate her pussy less than an hour ago, and absolutely delicious" Theo smirked

I felt my cheeks start burning up

"Merlin I haven't ever even see you both kiss" Blaise said

"She doesn't kiss me on the lips" Theo really couldn't help himself from not saying that

I never have kissed Theo. It seems like something deeper, I want nothing more than to kiss him, not even kiss him but ride him and get fucked hard by him but i'm patient.

"Butterbeer?" Draco offered and soon we were all on our way to the three broomsticks

I walked hand in hand with Pansy

"Livingston I can see your whole arse, pull that skirt down"

I flipped him off and blew him a kiss. We all took a seat in a long table, Theo pulled me to sit on his lap
His hand on my inner thigh and his other hand up my shirt already

"Turning of age shot" Roman handed me a shot of firewhiskey well handed everyone a shot, I took it quickly letting it burn my throat

Theo placed his shot in between my breast and took a body shot off me

We stayed there all day, drinking far too much, Roman and Pansy kissing inappropriately, I was a bit jealous

I turned around to face him my alcohol making me feel dizzy and hot, I pulled him by his neck "Oh Nott I want you to fuck me so badly" I slurred my words

"You're the only girl that my dick will get hard for love, we're in no rush"

I pulled his lips into mine, he parted his mouth and I slipped my tongue inside of his mouth having absolutely no control, I started grinding my hips against his already hard self. Imagining what it would feel like without clothes on.

He started grabbing my ass "I don't have an ass you grabbing it is embarrassing both of us" I pulled away

He laughed, I mean he actually laughed "You're so funny Livingston, I love this arse" He slapped my right cheek

I pulled him into another kiss, this time his hands wrapping around my neck.

My stomach fluttered with butterflies and i've never kissed anyone like this. It never felt this good. It felt perfect although we're both drunk but it was everything it needed to be

"Ive had loads of complaints about you all and it looks like I run a brothel" Madam Rosmerta snapped at us

I got off Theo's lap and everyone tried to walk straight back to the castle which was impossible after we finished four bottles of firewhiskey

Theo ended up sleeping in bed with me next to Roman and Pansy. I woke up in the same clothes as the night prior with a throbbing headache

"I'm going to bathe" I pried Theo off of me and used my wand to fill the bath and just sunk into it, sitting with my knees up and just hugged my knees sleeping on them

"Come on Ivory let's eat something"

I finally was able to put on spandex shorts and sweatshirt not even wanting to put on a bra and let my wet hair fall down in front of my face


Truth be told I couldn't wait for school to be over. It's all a lot to take in sometimes, when I look around me and see these amazing people who actually care for me, it's a bit frightening.

I used to never have anyone to care about, and i'm scared that something will happen to any of them and it'll hurt me, and i'm scared of getting hurt

With the year ending everyone's scared to go home, Theo, Draco and Romans dad were broken out of Azkaban. Theo's different, very different.

He never sleeps, very eats and never shows his face anymore. I know his father had written to him, I was there he grabbed the letter and ran out of the dining hall.

Blaise says to give him space, but i'm afraid once I give him space we won't be able to get back what we have. Which isn't much, maybe it's just physical attraction. But we used to hate each other and i'm afraid we can just slip back into that. Easily.

I just know that once summer comes everything will change, i've never been good with change, but I think i've read a book like this before. And I didn't like the ending.

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