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I don't give a fuck. Not two single fucks.

I mean I have every single girl on me, wanting me, pleasing me. What else would I want?

I don't need Ivory. I don't care. Is that clear now?

I don't care that I see her at the parties making out with a different guy everytime. I wonder if she has slept with anyone else. Does she let them lay next to her? Does she ride them? But I wouldn't care regardless

Even though there isn't anymore quidditch the slytherin team still has permission to practice because what other house would? This year slytherin house is untouchable.

"How was quidditch practice?" I asked Roman

He gave me an odd smile "Locker room was something rather interesting"

Blaise scoffed and hid his smile

"What happened?" I asked

"See mate you know Julian?"

I nodded. He was a new guy on the quidditch team, a keeper only a year younger, he was huge and broad. I never picked a fight with him because i'd get my ass beat

"Well he didn't play with us today, we didn't know where he was" Blaise continued the story

"We walked into the locker room and Julian was fucking Ivory against the locker room shower"

My heart dropped. And I was now in the mood to get my ass kicked. "What?" I asked

"Mate like actually fucking her, pounding into her, she was grabbing onto him for dear life"

I snapped. I could not handle this, I could almost hear the way she moans or even those little whimpers. I am in the mood to get my ass beat. Did I say that already?

"Dunno about you Blaise but Julian definitely has my respect" Roman started laughing and Blaise joined

"Ivory looked like a rag doll getting jerked around" Blaise added and I felt my blood start boiling

But I didn't care. I didn't care that some guy Julian with light blonde hair and a six pack and perfect teeth with clear blue eyes took my girl.

She's not my girl. Never will be. She doesn't care about me. She made that clear

"We're all smoking down in the common room, join?" Roman offered.

"Not even a question" I stood up and headed down. I wanted to see this Julian. Maybe even start a fight who knows?

He was sitting on the couch and I was slightly intimidated by him, he was too big for his age. Too much muscle. Way too much muscle.

Even the way he spoke annoyed the actual fuck out of me. He laughed loudly and didn't even a thought in that fucking skull

None the other than Ivory fucking Livingston walked through those bricks. Everyone shut up.

The way she walked her breast bounced and the white tight shirt she was wearing exposing her lower stomach and she was smoking a cigarette. And the way those jeans hugged those hips. Irresistible

"Hey Ivory" Julian finally spoke and she turned to him

"James" she exhaled the smoke. I swear I almost bursted out laughing watching Julian turn pink

"Julian"'He said

"What?" She asked and she genuinely looked confused

"My name, it's Julian. Not James"

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now