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My forearm never stops burning, sometimes I put my hand over it to see if it's hot but it never is, it's all internal. Everything that hurts is.

Smoking helps, usually it's Draco, Blaise, Roman and I sometimes the quidditch team joins and I have to put up with Warrington's paranoid arse

"So how's it going with Ivory?" Montague asked him and I immediately got up

"She's kind of quiet, but i'm telling you mate she took off her top and she has more than a handful if you know why I mean" He started laughing

One more comment and i'm going to bash his fucking head in.

"How far have you gotten?" Lucian fucking Bole asked

"Not far enough if you ask me, I mean how long does a man have to wait for a girl to give it up"

He calls himself a 'man'? Yeah he's a total pussy

"Stop the Ivory talk please" Roman asked nicely, I wouldn't have

"Forgot you're all friends with her, tell me does she ever give you blowjobs on the low?"

No one said anything I wanted to say 'that mouth she kisses you with looks better on my cock'

"Mate I can hear them coming up the stairs you better shut it" Blaise snapped and he was right Pansy opened the door only seconds later

Ivory waved at everyone and sat down next to Miles and kissed his lips in front of everyone.

I tried not to look I mean I really tried but I couldn't.

"I say we play a game of 'Truth or kiss'" Montague suggested, everyone agreed and Pansy made Ivory play

"Ms. Livingston is it true that you're a virgin?" Lucian asked

"Very true indeed" She seemed slightly embarrassed
Miles seemed thrown back a bit

"Blaisie how far have you gotten with Looney Lovegood?" Miles asked and I know Blaise now hates him as much as I do

"All the way" he answered he knew he shouldn't kiss anyone here

"Theo who was the last girl you've done anything sexual with?"

My heart dropped "I'll pass"

"Okay then kiss Pansy"

I couldn't do that to Roman and I couldn't do that to Ivory. Right now I can even see the panic in her eyes

"Last thing was a blow job" I answered

"Mate the question was with who" Warrington corrected and I can see Ivory's cheeks turning red
she gave me a slight nod giving me permission to say


The room gasped but Pansy i'm guessing she knew

"You sucked him off but when I asked you said no" Miles snapped

"Theo mate i've never been prouder" Roman laughed

"Are you fucking serious all these months i've waisted on you" Miles snapped

"Mate shut the fuck up" I told him

"No you act like you're so innocent but no you're a fucking whore"

That's it.

I grabbed him by the collar and punched him across the face. I didn't stop there. Punched him over and over and over. Everyone tried to pull me off but no I was going to break this piece of shits face for talking to my girl like that.

Not that she's my girl. But fuck this.

My fist met his face again, his face was already covered in blood "How does my dick taste Miles?" I kept going taking out all my anger

I felt everything go black around just the sound of my fist hitting his now unconscious body

"Not so talkative now?" I grabbed his colar that was soaked in blood "She couldn't talk either when my cock was down her throat"

Ivory grabbed my wrist "Stop, please" she whispered in my ear, she brought me back she always does

"I'm not even fucking around if I even catch you looking at her i'll fucking kill you and everyone will be proud I rid the world of another halfblood" I spit on his face

Ivory pulled me away, a lot stronger than I thought she would be. His blood with splattered all over my clothes and face

She didn't take me to my restroom she took me to her room quickly shutting the door "Undress your all bloody"

"Livingston take me on a date first"

She was not in the mood to be humored, she went inside the restroom and in a bit I saw steam coming out of the restroom and smelt spearmint

She opened the door "A baths waiting for you"

I walked into the restroom and undressed, she turned and I laughed slightly, soaking my body into the hot water felt so nice and relaxing

She sat on her knees and grabbed a white towel and dipped it in the water and started cleaning my face so gently and softly "My hero" she said dully rolling her eyes

"Now you see what type of man you let see your breast is like"

Her cheeks turned pink and she nipped my ear "He told you about that?"

"He told everyone in that room"

"Stay in here, your muscles will be sore tomorrow if you don't. I'll be back in an hour or so to check on you"

"Where are you going?" I asked I really did not want to be alone

"I'm going to make sure you didn't kill Miles you pureblood supremacist" She smiled and walked out of the room

I laid in that bath and tried not to think about how she lays in here too. I examined my knuckles that were swollen and cut open, I smiled realizing my rings probably cut up his face real good.

After an hour she came back in her nightgown tying her robe and looking pretty tired

"He's alive, madam Pomfrey believed when he said that he ran into the whomping willow"

"He lied for me?"

"Nope. I told him my father would not allow his father to open up his shop in diagon alley if he told her the truth"

"Sometimes I forget that the Livingston's own everything now"

She came closer and grabbed my knuckles "I'm a quick learner" She tapped her wand placing everything back into place and sealing the cuts. I enjoyed the pain.

She sat on her knees "I love it when you get on your knees for me Livingston"

She grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my neck closer to her, her lips so close to mine. She lowered her head and bit my neck so fucking hard again making me groan

"Mine" she whispered and moved her head to the other side taking another bite

"Fuck that actually hurts"

She smiled "Good" she ran her tongue around the bite kissing it before she moved her head and left the room.

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now