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I don't like this Jacob character. I don't like the way he talks to my Ivory and I don't like the way he touches her. As if he owns her.

She doesn't smiled a lot when she's around him. Fake smiles sure. But I can tell when she's faking it, she's always faking it around him.

I know what happened with Collin changed her. I remember it as if it were yesterday.

She was laying down next to his body crying, she was cupping his face saying 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry' she wouldn't leave his body until his father and brother came.

She never was the same after that. Neither was I, father got sent to Azkaban, they tried to make me testify against him in court.

It all fucked with my head, because I swore I hated my father and I do but I couldn't do it.

And then Ivory told me she was leaving. And not just moving but that she's done with the wizarding world for good

"It's all so fucked up Theo, he was only sixteen, we were all Dumbledore's pawns"

"I know"

She wasn't the same and well she started blaming it all on herself. I couldn't even help her. I was so involved with everything with my father that I ignored her cries for help

That's when I told her all those mean things. I needed someone to blame. So I blamed her, and she left

A part of me waited for her to come back and when she didn't I went to her. I looked all over for her, turns out Livingston's are pretty easy to find

On my knees I begged her to forgive me. That her love was the only thing I had left. That I was sorry for calling her 'worthless' for calling her a 'bitch' or even a 'cunt' because when I was saying it I meant it and she knew.

That's why she slammed the door on my face.

When I first got an owl from her I thought she finally was ready to sit down and talk. But instead it was an invitation to her engagement party.

I convinced myself for months that she was happier without me. That maybe we weren't meant to be. I actually allowed myself to let her go. Because at least she was happy, that's all that mattered

But seeing her now she's not happier, she's not even in love

Today everyone went to a club in New York city. I understand why everyone likes this city. It was full of lights and fun

I drank an entire bottle of vodka and stared as Jacob wouldn't removed his hand from her hips

"We're going to make a reservation care to come?" Jacob offered but we all declined

He shouldn't have left Ivory by herself. I needed to removed myself from the situation so I went inside the restroom

I took deep breaths. She was going to marry this guy. I wasn't going to stop her. Ivory always knew what she wanted.

There was a knock on the door, Draco. I knew he could always sense when something was wrong with me

When I opened it, it wasn't Draco. It was Ivory, she slipped inside

"Some asshole spilled his drink on me" She started wetting napkins

She rolled up her sleeve and that's when I saw it. Bruises all over her arms. I swear I was going to murder him

"Who did that?"

She covered her arms quickly "I fell the other day"

I met her eyes "Yeah my mum used to fall a lot too."

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now