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People always say that their last year at school is always the best. And those people are liars. It's the peak of the war, there no quidditch, there's no hogsmeade and we can never go out. Other than the Slytherin parties. Which didn't end well last time

After holding me that night Theo started to develop a guiltily conscious. Maybe he really did care for Daphne?

I was sitting in the common room by myself just relaxing by the fire. The weather was getting colder.

I ignored the commotion. I shouldn't have. The next thing I felt was some hands pulling my hair. Before I could turn around I was pushed on the floor

Daphne on top of me. Fuck. He told her.

"Fucking slut couldn't keep your hands off of him" She pinned down my shoulders

"He couldn't either, did he tell you how he touches me?" I smirked she slapped me hard across the face

She actually slapped me. Wow. "Your boyfriend liked it rough too"

"First Miles and now him, must you take everything that's mine?"

I laughed "Get off me"

"No, everything was better when you weren't here. He even said so."


"You're a cunt who doesn't belong here, go back to where you came from"

I couldn't reached my wand. But I didn't need to. I managed to grab my knife that was wrapped around my thigh and flip her onto her back. I pushed the blade into her neck.

"Keep going Daphne, I dare you"

"Ivory stop" I looked up and Theo was in front of me, actually we were surrounded everyone staring at us

"You're all talk, you wouldn't hurt me" She smiled. I really wish people wouldn't doubt me. Im tried of it

So I moved the knife, lifted it and stabbed her hand pushing the blade through so it came out on the other side. She yelled, everyone now pulled me off. I laughed. I couldn't stop laughing.

Roman was carrying me up to my room. They were still trying to get the blade off of her hand, I pierced the perfect spot.

I sat on my bed realizing that I just stabbed someone.

Theo kicked open my door "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"She said I wouldn't stab her, so I did"

"You're fucking psychotic, you're fucked in the head, do you know that?"

I was kind of impressed with myself. I didn't think I had it in me

"Go get the blade out" He snapped


"Livingston that blade is enchanted only you can take it out and heal it, it's covered with dark magic"

I smiled "She can live with a blade in her hand, lucky her it cost 5000 dollars" What is wrong with me?

"You're fucked in the head"

"Wanna unpack how you said it was better without me here?"

"You just proved my fucking point!" He snapped

I ignored his hurtful words and pulled out the pack of cigarettes I stole and lit one, it calmed down my nerves quickly

"Go help her, if we pull it out she'll bleed out, I'll talk to her she won't report you"

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now