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How stupid was I to convince myself that I couldn't be happy? To think that true love only exist within the margins of a book? To believe my father when he said love wasn't more important than money. It is and it will always be more important

He is half my souls as the poets say.

For christmas he bought me a white cat. A small little kitten just a baby with bright blue eyes. We argued over names for two hours he has the right to think 'Madge' is an appropriate name for a cat.

We landed on 'Josie' well I eventually convinced him.

We even spent new years at the astronomy tower which is a bit odd now since Dumbledore died here just under a year ago

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Are you scared?" He asked "About the war?" He asked as we laid in the bathtub

"Not really? Are you?"

He shrugged "I'm more scared of something happening to you, than me"

I ran my fingers over where I gave him the tattoo 'I knew you'

"Don't be scared for me, I'm not scared of dying honestly"

"I'm terrified of dying, I spent so much of last year wanting to die, but i'm finally really happy and I don't want to lose it"

Just the thought of a world without Theodore Nott shoots a pain throughout my body that's unbearable

"What are you scared of Ivory?" He asked running his finger along my cheek

"I feel most scared when i'm lost" I admitted

"Like direction wise?"

"Kind of, you know that feeling when you feel so alone that you try to figure out what to do or where to go, and you realize that you're just lost.

I'm scared of that feeling"

"I don't think I can ever feel lost anymore"

"Hmm and why is that?"

He kissed my forehead "As long as I am with you I am forever found"

There's no other words to describe this other than love absolutely no other words. I think I have known for awhile, I think i've known since the day he healed my hand

But when you're constantly being told that feeling actual feelings are a form of weakness you learn how to make yourself numb. And it makes it hard to even speak on those feelings.

Saying them makes them real.

But what I feel for him is real. It has always been even when it was just us cursing at each other or calling each other names. It was all real

In reality he's the sun. But i'm not the moon hell i'm not even a star. But when the suns gleams on my skin it makes me feel like someone.

"I want to say something"

"By all means"

I took a deep breath. I am allowed to love someone.

"This doesn't have to change anything, you don't have to say it back and it's fine if you don't feel the same but I have to tell you or else i'll keep it in me forever" Fuck now i'm rambling

"Say the words Ivory, three words won't swallow you alive, I promise"

I listened to his heat beat and slowly worked my way up to meet those blue eyes that I never get tired of, I will try to paint them next

"It's not three words"

His face turned red "I read this situation really wrong"

I laughed. I just had to fuck with him. "It's five"

"What? I'm breaking up with you?" He counted the words on his fingers

I shook my head no "I'm in love with you"

"That was mean Ivory you had me feeling like a bloody idiot" He closed the distance between us

His lips so close to him and he's smiling like an idiot "I'm so in love with you too" he met my lips

I will never get tired of his lips and I will never get tired of spending every second of my days with him.

"I won't let this war take you from me" he whispered in my ear

"If it does, meet me in the meadow, i'll wait for you so we can travel to the next lifetime together"

He kissed my lips again "If I get sent to Azkaban move on with your life, don't wait for me"

No I didn't forget about his dark mark. I see it every single day. I also see who he really is and know this was about his father not him. He is not his father.

"No, I will wait for you, I will send you polaroids of me naked" I kissed his lips again moving on top of him

"There's nothing your arse can't fix" He grabbed into my hips and I put his cock inside of me making me gasp

I started going up and down slowly trying not to make a mess with the water in the tub

He moved my chest in top of his and I held into his arms and I started riding him faster moving my hips up and down and in a figure eight motion "Theo" I gasped

"I know love I know" He kissed my breast

I will never get tired of how he feels inside of me

"You look so pretty riding me" He moved his finger down to my clit and started moving his fingers in a circular motion

I wrapped my hands out his head moaning right in his ear and I lowered my head and bit his neck hard

He pulled my head back and for the first time he bit my neck probably as hard as I did, I winced with pain but it felt good.

"You feel so good Ivory, really fucking good" he groaned

I started going slower really taking him all in feeling my walls tighten and I held my breath as I came on him

"Love get off i'm going to cum"

I got off and he stood up putting his cock in my mouth pushing it all the way down my throat at once, I jerked him off with one hand and sucked on his tip until he came on my tongue

"You're a very good girl Ivory" He helped dry my body and slipped my robe on as we walked out of the restroom, all his things are in my room now

Tonight he was the little spoon and I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his shoulder

I hope we get to have a different ending, I hope we have a happy ending.

Love, maybe in this story it would be enough. Maybe the broken boy could love the broken girl. Just maybe the two people who never felt like enough could be happy.

I kissed his nose as he slept "Theo I dream of you almost every night, but waking up to you is my favorite thing on this planet" I whispered

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now