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Having reminders of your past always makes one feel uneasy. Especially your first love at your engagement party. Sleeping in your new house.

"Your friends seem really nice, I like their accents"
Jacob wrapped his arm around me in bed and kissed my shoulder

"They are nice, a bit shy sometimes but some of the best people I've ever met"

He didn't noticed I was crying. I'm glad. He would've gotten mad and I know how he gets when he's mad at me.

This whole week it was my five friends and Jacobs five friends. All twelve of us were going all over new england. I was a bit anxious. I felt the world heavier and the air thicker.

The next morning I showered early and was up when our chef was making everyone food. Everyone was still hungover and not awake.

Little by little they all started coming inside the dinning room and I helped pass out the food.

Jacob sat at the head of the table and I sat next to him. Everyone was talking to each other, getting to know my friends and Jacob was yelling across the table to his friends

God I hate him. But I think I do love him.

Truth be told after everything fell apart with Theo and I ran away to America I dated the first boy my grandfather approved of.

Which is Jacob. He was sweet at first, buying my flowers, taking me out to dinners and dedicating songs to me. All of that bullshit.

Then I became his girlfriend and he loved the publicity. He loved parading me around on his arm like a prize winning animal

Maybe six months in was the first time he slapped me across the face. It was on accident, he was frustrated with how his brothers spoke to him. I tried to comfort him.

He told me 'You don't know shit' and slapped me so hard I fell and cried on the floor.

The next day he apologized and promised it would never happen again.

He cried on the floor with me and for a whole week sent me flowers. Peonies.

Sometimes I wished I still had my wand. I could heal the bruises instantly. Because men never stop after one time.

Maybe before the war I would've stood up to him, maybe I would've left.

But I'm no longer the girl I used to be. She died when Collin jumped in front of me and shielded me from the killing curse.

It should have been me. It should have been me.

Jacob grabbed my hand and made me jump out of my daydream. Thank merlin for that I would've been stuck thinking of Collin for days.

"Are the bags packed?" He asked me

I nodded standing up, today was a lake day. "All ready"

I drove the larger car and drove my friends, it was only thirty minutes away.

"Ive tried getting my license i've failed three times already" Roman told me and I laughed Pansy was shaking her head next to me

"So Ivory i'm dying to here the story of you and Jacob" Blaise spoke from the back of the car

"I was out drinking with my cousin Kayla, and well he was there and he came up to talked to me and we hit it off" I lied.

The real story is much more uglier than that.

My older cousin told me where Jacob liked to get drunk on weekends. So I went to try to seduce him.

I went in my shortest and most revealing dress to the club.

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now