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AN: Please be patient with this storytelling! AND PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONGS PLACED. THEY'RE PLACED FOR A REASON!

One year later

The weather is nice today. August sun shining through, everything is in full bloom.

And today i'm going to Ivory Livingston's engagement party.

I heard that American engagements last longer, they could even be engaged for years. Soon she won't be Ivory Livingston, she will be Ivory DuPont.

I did some research of course. He's the youngest son, his brothers are all married and have children, he's only twenty and the media is saying they're 'the couple of the century'

Look at me. Got invited to the engagement party of the couple of the century.

I also learned that the DuPont family is extremely wealthy. Even more than the Livingston's. Ive been trying to figure out if it's an arranged marriage.

Not that I should care. I don't think I do anymore. Sure the first six months I begged on my knees for her to love me again. That's embarrassing now that I look back at it. But now I think i'm better.

Good enough to go to America for this party. Pansy, Draco, Roman and Blaise all got invited and were all going.

I packed my nicest clothes, I don't know what I plan on doing there, but they have planned an all inclusive week getaway.

See i've always been rich. But this is new and old money rich. And they're all muggles. I mean she's a pureblood marrying a muggle.

But then again Ivory snapped her wand in half and swore she'd never return to the wizarding world again. Maybe she is a muggle now.

"Are you nervous to see her again?" Pansy asked at breakfast before we headed out

"Is it that obvious?"

She shrugged "You barely touched your food"

I sarcastically took a large bite out of my toast "Delicious"

She rolled her eyes at me

"I would be nervous too, I mean she's getting married to someone that isn't you Theo" Roman added

"You don't say Roman? All this time I thought it was my engagement party" I laughed and they joined

"Don't make a fool out of yourself, and remember no magic these are all muggles" Pansy stood up and paid the tab

Walking to the field where the portkey was I almost turned around and stayed home. This was all too much.

Kneeling down I took a deep breath before I touched the spoon. Maybe I could throw up and blame it on the portkey

Once we landed Draco put his hand on my shoulder "It's going to be alright mate, you can be happy for her"

We walked around to where we could see a building. Not a building that was a house. Beautiful white house with navy blue borders and an American flag waving.

Cars were pulling up as we walked to the grand entrance . Was this Ivorys new house? Did she already live with him?

The help wasnt elves, they were all people. It was odd to see.

The man at the door offered us champagne with raspberries inside of it, the inside of the house was, literally the only word to describe it, luxurious. So different from our manors, it was all white and light colors.

A young women saw us and walked over to us "You don't look familiar"

Pansy frowned "Were Ivorys friends from school"

The women smiled "Right Ivory left to finish school in Europe, i'm Janelle, maid of honor" She hugged us all

She took us out to the massive back yard that was as big as the quidditch pitch, with a pool, some people were already inside the water

We we're definitely out of place, everyone here already extremely comfortable, was she one of those people who had friends now?

"Are any of you in a relationship or engaged?" Janelle asked us

Roman and Pansy held hands "Us" and Blaise nodded as well

"Bummer you're both so handsome" She pouted and I was sure Pansy was going to push her into the pool

"Where's Ivory?" Pansy asked

"I'll bring her over, I think she's upstairs showing people to their rooms" She left

We sat down at a table that had an umbrella and just waited. I took deep breaths and just looked up at the sky

"All of you being here makes me feel like this is a slytherin party" I looked down and there she was.

She was in a light blue dress that was low cut and backless reached to her chins and her arms were exposed. Absolutely beautiful. Her face still the same a little bit more tan.

Pansy squealed, stood up and hugged her tightly. I was breathless I couldn't even keep my eyes off of her.

She hugged everyone and lastly she stood in front of me, kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly

"I miss you" She whispered in my ear

Before I could even say I miss her too we were interrupted and she stepped back

"This is my fiancé Jacob DuPont" She introduced us

I hate to admit this but he was bloody handsome. I mean dirty blonde hair, defined face, he was tall and muscular. Perfect everything.

He wrapped his arm around her waist. They looked perfect together

"These are my friends from school" We all shook his hand and I made sure to hold on extra tight

"You all need to tell me some stories about Ivory, supposedly she was a good girl but i'm not too

I laughed. On accident. I swear it was on accident.

"Well, I'll come back we have some more people to say hi to" She held his hand and walked away.

Watching her walk away I can't help but remember all those times my hands were on her body. But I stopped myself and sat down

They seemed to be quite the popular people, everyone here was young and soon enough the dancing started.

I sat down eating, maybe I could eat away my feelings?

Everyone went to go dance, even Draco got asked by some pretty girl. I declined and stayed.

"You know this is a celebration, you're supposed to dance" I knew that voice

"Go dance Ivory, i'm fine here watching everyone dance"

She took a seat next to me, I turned to her. Her face had a lingering sadness, I could see it in her eyes. We were all a reminder of the war to her.

"You know i'm never going to forget what you told me before I left"

I cringed, I didn't want to think back on day. I was drunk, mad, scared and more and took it out on her

She spoke again "I remember how you looked in my eyes and said 'I don't even feel anything toward you anymore, I think i've fucked you too many times to care'"

"I'm sorry"

"I know, you've told me many times before, when you followed me to America and begged on your knees"

I looked away from her. She shouldn't be crying at her own party

"And you slammed the door on my face"

She signed "I think we were stupid to believe in love, believe that we were in love"

"But you love him?"

She narrowed her eyes "Go dance Theo, life stops for no one"

All I feel is betrayal.

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now