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I slammed her on her bed. Fuck this shirt I ripped it in half.

"You're going to pay for that Nott" She wrapped her legs tightly around me and flipped me over and started grinding her heat on top of me

She bit my neck hard. I swear that's her signature move. She pulled off my shirt kissing all the way to my V-line

I grabbed the bottom of her bra and pulled her close I wrapped my arm around her and I unclipped her bra. Definitely more than a handful, they were so round and full

I bit her nipple


"I bite back Livingston" I started sucking on her left breast grabbing the other my cock growing so hard it almost hurt

I flipped her onto her back pulling down her pants and I ripped her underwear in fucking half. I ran my tongue from her neck all the way down, she tasted like peaches

"Those are expensive"

"I'll buy you thirty of them, shut the fuck up" I slipped my fingers inside of her. So fucking wet. So tight. All for me.

I stood up on the bed and pulled her to the edge "I won't be gentle, this is going to hurt" I smiled looking at her perfect body the curve of her hip and the fullness of her breast

She sat up and pulled my neck down she licked me and then bit hard down on my skin "Spit in my mouth"

I was a bit thrown off but I listened I pulled on her jaw opening her mouth and spit in it

I pulled out a condom and slipped it on,

"Are you sure?"

"Fuck me good Theo"

I rubbed her entrance I pushed fully in and grabbed onto her thighs

I started stroking inside of her going faster feeling her tighteness and hearing her moan, I started kissing her lips again, she started moaning in my mouth

I lifted her hips and started fucking her harder

I picked her up and I got on bed. I put her feet up on my shoulders and gave it all to her

"I'm going to cum already, fuck" she lowered her legs and wrapped them around my back pulling my body on top of her. I started gripping on her breast as they went up and down with the rhythm of my strokes

I felt her insides tighten and I started reaching my climax. I started going slower and deeper inside of her and she held onto my back

"Finished me off?"

She nodded, I laid down and pulled off the condom, she placed her lips on it and starting sucking on me until I finished in her mouth

She laid down now to me out of breath

"How many more condoms do you have?" She asked

I threw my head back "Five"

"Let go again?" She asked

I grabbed a shirt from her floor "You're bleeding love"

She sat up and grabbed the shirt from me

"Can't believe I took Ivory Livingston's virginity" I smirked

"Where are your condoms?"

"My back pocket in my pants"

She stood up and walked over to them and fuck that view from the back is really nice.

She sat on top of my lap and put it on me "Teach me" She put me inside of her and I grabbed her hips moving her up and down the sound of skin hitting skin flooding the room her breast going everywhere

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now