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I did hate her. I wasn't exaggerating. I hate her. That's all I think about sometimes. How much I hate her. It didn't take long to grow to hate her.

Her stupid golden hair. That fucking confidence she has, she never says the wrong thing, she knows the power she holds.

Maybe I hate her because of how much I used to be like her, before this fucking mark. Before I was found out the truth about my mum, before having to spend the summer alone in the manor

Laying around the manor in pain, my forearm burning, my days seeming like an endless day in hell. I would've loved Ivory if I had a different life. I really would've.

But this is my shitty life, and in this life I choose to hate her. Hate her stupid muggle books, I hate the way she bites her lip when she's concentrating, I hate the way they all look at her and most of all I hated it when she was kissing him.

A part of me wanted to shatter her, those perfectly put together pieces, I wanted to grab a hammer and destroy everything she was.

She's talking with Blaise in front of me, I'm glad she can't read minds, she would see how I constantly thought about ruining her, while she's telling everyone about their slugclub dinner all I think about is watching her break.

She glares at me "Take a picture it will last longer"

Sometimes I have no idea what she is saying.

"I'd last long with you, very very very long"

Her cheeks turned pink and she started clenching her fist until I saw white, she will punch me one day I long for that day.

"Really Daphne said you only last three minutes, is that true?"

Blaise snorted and she has that smile on her face, I think I want to fuck her.

"Why don't you find out?"

"I have standards for myself and well you're a manwhore" She shrugged

"Says the one that was letting Miles lick her neck in front of everyone" I snapped


"Not everyone wants you Livingston"

"Good, I couldn't possibly handle even more people pinning over me"

Merlin I fucking hate her.

"Wait till they hear you're a virgin who's scared to get fucked"

Pansy shot her eyes up and me "Leave her alone Theo"

"He can't Pansy, he's obsessed with me"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes "I hate you" she blew me a kiss. I swear the way my blood boils when i'm around her is not healthy

My arm burns uncontrollably almost all the time, I dunno how Roman still plays quidditch, or how he even still looks put together, Draco is starting to look gray, but he doesn't like to talk about it and well neither do I

Winter holiday is coming up soon, i'm just going to stay here, I have nothing to go home to, I always hated when father forced me to come home. The manor was empty and cold, and the holidays always made me think of my mum.

"Are you going home over holiday?" Blaise asked her during dinner

"Don't think so, I used back home, all my cousins and I did but now it'll just be my father and I, rather not"

"Do you have any hot cousins?" Roman asked I don't understand why he says things like that when he obviously fancies Pansy

"Yes but they are total bitches when it comes to guys"

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now