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for the first time she's sitting in front of me eating breakfast

"I made you something" I told her

She looked up at me "Is it a cage to keep me in?"

Why can't she see that i'm in love with her and just seeing her in pain I had to do something. So yes I brought her here.

"It means a lot to me so if you're going to be mean im not going to show you"

She looked back down at her food "I just want to go back home"

I signed, I stood up "I'm going to get you some more clothes, anything you want?"

She grabbed my hand "Buy me things you'd like to see me in, lacey things"

Why is she doing this to me? "Ivory you know I prefer you naked" I joked

Her cheeks blushed and she undid her robe standing up letting it slip of her body. And she's still absolutely perfect.

"Touch me Theo"

I want to so badly but it doesn't feel right. She's probably just doing it to make me happy, sex is meant to be all about her. Not me.

"I'm going to the store"

She got on her knees I looked away, Ivory Livingston was something else.

"Want to come to the store with me?" I offered she shot up


"You're not a prisoner, as long as you don't tell people at the store I kidnapped you"

She slipped on her robe again and ran up the stairs "Wait for me okay, i'm going to put on some clothes"

I went inside the nearby restroom, still hard for looking at her naked, those eyes looking up at me and that mouth

I started touching myself thinking of her. Remembering how it felt like to fuck her any chance I could, how she used to whimper, how she looked on top of me

Just the thought of those lips made me finish

"Ready" she announced and I opened the restroom door

I grabbed her waist and aparated us to a near by clothing store, she looked so happy shopping for clothes.

She had no regard for my money, she bought anything and everything she liked. I would buy her the whole store if she asked

"Can we go out to dinner today?" She turned to me as I paid for her things

I hid my smile "Let me cook for you tonight, i'm afraid Pax gets all the credit for your meals"

She grabbed the bags "Okay and thank you for this"

We walked out of the store and ran into no other than Miles fucking Bletchley.

"Ivory Livingston" He smiled at her

"Miles" she wrapped her arms around him. She doesn't even hug me.

"You have not aged one single day" He cupped her face

"Oh you flatter me Miles"

He looked at me next and removed his hands off of her "Nott"


Ivory stepped back next to me

"Always knew you two would end up together, I mean we all did"

"Imagine that, we're not even together, we just live together and I try to seduce him, he says no all the time" Ivory smiled at him

"No man in their right mind would ever say no to you Ivory"

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now