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It's been so long, more than a year.

My flight is soon. But I had one thing left to do. Then I could turn around and never look back. When I was back in America I knew I needed to close this door.

Pansy was the one who aparated me.

"Hello Ivory"

"Hi Micheal"

He smiled " Thats no way to speak to your father"

I shouldn't have came. I should've just left. This was too much. First everything with Theo and now this shit.


I can't even think about him right now. I don't want to think about him. Think about those blue eyes that should be a crime, so beautiful it just shouldn't allowed. And that heart of his.


"They should've given you the dementors kiss"

"Ivory thats no way to talk to your father"

I laughed "Being a father is more than just giving me money and speaking to me once a fucking month"

He shrugged "you never seemed to complain about your four billion dollar inheritance"

Money, everything was always about money.

"Heard you were marrying a DuPont, good work"

"I'm not, and this is my last time seeing you" I crossed my arms

"Ivory you and I are the exact same person"

"Way to slap me across the face"

The sad part was that he was right. Why is he always right?

"Come on Ivory you're the spitting imagine of me, why do you think your grandfather loves you so much"

"Grandfather wanted to me marry a man that hit me"

He shrugged "Part of marriage, you would've gotten used to it"

He was right I did get used to it, stopped minding the bruises or the pain.

Oh god.

Was this going to be my life? Was I always going to be this miserable? Maybe I am just like my father, he always walks away, he's never been happy, he never communicates.

It makes me sick to my stomach

"Burn in hell" I walked out

I could feel my anxiety rising, I couldn't do this. I hate everything inside of me. I hate the way I look, I hate the way I think and I hate how I feel every emotion ten times more than the regular person.

But I had one more person I needed to see here.

"Ivory Livingston finally a pretty face to look at"

Disgusting "Mr. Nott"

"What is it doll?"

"Ive come to tell you that Theo is the kindest person I've ever met and I don't know how a piece of shit like you made someone like him"

He was silent

"He is more of a man than you ever were and fuck you for everything you did to him, I hate you for what you did"

I couldn't stop, I think he noticed I was crying

"He's fucking perfect, absolutely perfect and it's no fucking thanks to you"

"Primrose" he finally said


"You asked how a piece of shit like me could make someone like him, and it was Primrose"

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now