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He acts like a child even though he stands 6'2.

Calling me 'His girl' he needs to shut up sometimes. I mean every single guy I even look at gets beat up the next day. I swear im a liability.

Yes I did have sex with Julian. And no I don't regret it. If I was a boy no one would look twice. But since i'm a girl it's not okay for me to get fucked in the shower.

One person, the only person in this school who calls me out is Professor McGonagall. Thanks to her I have detention tonight for smoking cigarettes in the corridors

I was to clean her classroom, I respect her for that. At least she still has the balls to call me out.

This detention I served it with Lucian Bole who got caught hexing someone in the corridors and he was really proud of himself

The sexual tension was very noticeable and I tried to ignore it. But the again why did I? He was very handsome and always liked me, why couldn't I?

"I want you so fucking badly Ivory" he finally blurted

I took off my shirt and his eyes went wide as if his dream was coming true. He didn't even kiss my lips first, he unclipped my bra and kissed my breast. 

"These are- wow"

I missed Theo. I was silent the entire time while with Lucian, I told him I didn't want to have sex and he said he wanted to give me something else. So he lifted up my skirt and got on his knees.

"Ivory you taste fucking phenomenal"

He gently ran his fingers over my upper thighs and started kissing me over and over, he entered his fingers inside of me and started kissing my neck

I wrapped my legs around him tighter "Lucian" I closed my eyes. It felt filthy his name slipping off my tongue.

Once I finished he removed his fingers and licked them.

I really miss Theo.

He started rubbing my breast again his thumb running over my nipple

"Ivory be my girl"

Oh god I hate that term "We would never work Lucian"

He started licking my neck "Yes we would, I'm getting a job at the ministry, I could provide for you"

"I'm a billionaire Lucian I don't need you to provide for me" I actually laughed

"Meet me in my room later?" He whispered

"Lucian I have a feeling you like me more than just sex"

"I really like you Ivory, I've liked you since I first met you"

I pulled away "Dont let Theo hear you saying that"

He laughed "Do you like him? We could work, but only if you don't fancy him"

"Lucian I think I love him" I started walking away "Oblivitate" I muttered before opening the door

I missed the one man who lit my skin on fire and that I wanted so badly I couldn't be in the same room as him. I miss him more than I miss the sex.

I hate seeing him with anyone that isn't me. I absolutely hate it and it breaks my heart. I do care for him. He claims I don't and maybe I haven't shown it well enough. But I do. I don't just tolerate him.

I was in the prefects bath, my first time. I usually preferred my own bath. But this was nice.

The door opened "Fuck off it's busy" I snapped

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now