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Father said that feelings weren't real. He said it's all science, your brain makes you think you like someone by releasing endorphins when you're around them.

Mind you he was telling me this after he beat me with his cane. While he was doing it all I thought about was the meadow and how peaceful it was.

Maybe he thinks i'm stupid. But I know he's one of them, becoming minister at this time? Yeah it was easy to put the pieces together.

Father has only beat me twice in my life. The first time it was winter over my fourth year, he found out that I had been kissing a girl. Let's just say he 'beat the gay out of me' ever since then i've repressed those feelings I get. And the second time was over Theo.

Father was right feelings can be easily turned off, you just can't let your mind make you feel happy. A small sacrifice. I didn't have to look at him during that dinner, I could feel his eyes on me, father would go to round two if he saw me even glance at him.

I'm allowed to talk to Pansy but I don't think I will once school starts, those were her friends first and I would just make things awkward. Things were just better when I wasn't there.

I aparated myself to Kings Cross, father is always working now and truth be told he now has a reason to hate me. Walking into the station I feel uneasy and nauseous.

Everyone seems to notice me, even the adults. I wonder if they think i'm a death eater too. Why couldn't my father be happy with all we already had? Why this?

I sat in a compartment by myself, I started sketching again, ignoring my surroundings completely letting my hair fall over my face to shield me

For hours I sat there by myself in my bootcut jeans and black shirt just missing everyone. As head girl I should be walking around patrolling the walkways but who am I kidding? My father the minister, I doubt I'll be getting in any trouble. Besides everyone thinks my father made Snape give me the position. As if I wasn't top of our class last year.

Even sitting in the great hall alone makes me a bit sad not that I will show it. Father says we're allowed to have emotions, we're just not allowed to show them.

This year it's just myself in the room, Pansy wrote saying Daphne apologized and that they're friends again, so it's just me here.

I adjusted quickly to being alone. Eating breakfast alone, studying in the library alone, eating dinner alone. I just stay in my room no one bothers me in my room.

I was sitting at dinner waiting to be dismissed, but once it was it didn't prepare me for what I was going to see.

Theo and Daphne holding hands. Smiling.

They say you can feel when your heart breaks. I can confirm this.

I just calmly kept walking, I was in front of them glad that I didn't have to see them together. They couldn't see how it affected me.

"Oh Theo i'm so glad you decided to leave that slut" She said loudly enough so I could hear. I just kept walking

"Yeah me too, I don't really like pussy that everyone else had"

He's doing this to get me mad. He wants me to react. But I refuse to.

"But I mean her arse is still nice to look at"

I wanted nothing more than to cover my butt as I walked but it'll just make it noticeable, well that and the fact that my face is blushing.

I stood my the entrance of the common room, as my head girl duties I have to count everyone, make sure everyone in and send the slip up to Slughorns office

Today I met his eyes and he gave me that smile that I absolutely hate.

I pretended to ignore him and kept count of everyone, I walked alone up to Slughorns office and put the paper in the small tray outside his door. The walk was long back to the common room

I felt something grab my arm and yank me to the side "What the fuck" Theo stood in front of me, a broom closet? I looked around

"So tell me, do you wear your skirts shorter for me?" He kept his gaze steady on my eyes

"Fuck off"

He walked closer and I tried to walk back but there wasn't any fucking room "I've missed this pretty mouth" He ran his thumb over my bottom lip

"Keep your hands off me" I slapped his hand away

"That's the problem Livingston, I can't. But tell me do you still think of me when you touch yourself?"

I felt my face turn red with embarrassment and I couldn't even speak.

He got down in his knees. I should stop him. Now he's pulling down my underwear. I don't want him to stop. He put one of my legs on his shoulder leaving me wide. I won't stop. His tongue started gliding up my slit. Definitely won't stop. He's sucking on my clit. I bit my lip, I don't want to moan. He's slipped his fingers inside of me.

"I need to hear you"

I started moaning quietly grabbing his hair thrusting my hips back and forth starting to ride his face.

I forgot how good this feels. I forgot what it felt like to have his tongue inside of me. Or even his fingers stroking inside of me.

I held onto the wood door as I came. And he tasted all of me

"You still fucking taste like peaches, I fucking love peaches" He stood up after pulling my underwear back on

I wanted to bite his neck but there was already love bites on his neck. Poor Daphne.

I grabbed him by his shirt pulling him close "I want you to go back in the common room and kiss Daphne, I want to see her face not knowing that, that those lips were just kissing my pussy and that tongue inside of me"

He ran his tongue over his bottom lip "Is this jealousy I sense Livingston?"

"No" I lied "But tell me Nott, does she taste like peaches?"

He groaned and his hand moved up to my hip "Not even fucking close"

I smiled. I even watched as they kissed. How do I taste Daphne? How does it feel knowing that your boyfriend kisses you looking at me?


Stan my bisexual queen Ivory Livingston <3

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