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I splashed cold water on my face and stared at my reflection. My body started to feel hot and I pulled off my shirt

No matter how many tattoos I get none of them take away the attention from my dark mark. I stared at the mark for too long. Next thing I know I was emptying my stomach in the toilet

I laid on the floor for awhile, taking deep breaths trying to relax. Honestly I haven't been relaxed since I got this mark over summer.

I finally got out of the restroom, it started closing in on me.

"Wow mate you're really tatted up" Roman stared at my back where there was a large snake up my spine

"Roman" The door burst opened and I covered my body quickly, Pansy walked in apparently she can't fucking knock

"Roman light of my heart" she walked over to him batting her lashes

"What now Pans?"

"A joint please" She smiled she didn't even need to flirt. Roman would do anything for her

"Let's go half" he smiled

"Cant love, going half with Ivory"

Everyone turned to her "She smokes?" Blaise asked

"Want to join?" She offered and everyone agreed. I wanted to stay in here and pull the covers over my head but I did not want to push away my friends. They're all I have. Not like I have a fucking family.

"She's cool with it?" Roman asked

"Yes of course as long as Theo plays nice" she shot her eyes at me

"Yeah yeah piss off" I got off my bed

We all walked up to her room and of course she had her own room. She opened it and merlins sake she was so hot I could get hard just looking at her

I looked around at her books as her record played in the corner she had so many books and most of them seem read already

Ivory seemed experienced she was not even coughing, she was smiling and laughing at whatever Pansy was saying.

I was going to put an effort so I sat next to her on her bed, Draco was sitting on her desk chair with his eyes closed and Roman and Draco were by her window bench

She laid down fully making her sweatshirt lift exposing her lower stomach skin. I stared at it Pansy grabbed my face and pushed it up shaking her head. I flipped her off. What I can't admire a girl now?

I saw her nightstand and grabbed the picture, it was a man and women on their wedding day "Is this your mum and dad?" I asked

"Yeah" she still had her eyes closed

"You look like your mum" She had the same face shape

"Put it down that's the only picture I have of her"

I scoffed "Relax it's not as if you never see her" I set it down carefully

"She's dead you dick" 

Pansy turned around "I'm sorry love"

She shook her head "Died giving birth to me, I figure it hurts more when you know someone" she shrugged

It does Ivory it really fucking does.

They passed the joint to me next, I leaned over on top of her "Open" She parted her lips and I put the joint up to her lips and she inhaled deeply "Back to me" I leaned closer my lips close to hers and she exhaled into my mouth

Pansy scoffed "Shouldn't you be off shagging Daphne Theo?" She asked and I sat up off of her

"Stop bringing that up for fucks sake" I snapped

"Whos Daphne?" She asked sitting up on her elbows

"None of your fucking business" I snapped

The room went silent. "Get out of my room" She snapped

"Gladly" I slammed the door on the way out

I didn't need to fucking like her. I mean i've only known her for a week and she seems rather bitchy. Pansy is obsessed with her.

I laid in Daphnes bed we only have sex in the dark I really don't want her to see my mark. All she does is fill my head for gossip, a hook up never a girlfriend

"I mean I don't see what's so amazing about her, I mean even Miles thinks she's pretty" She glanced over at me

"Not that I care who Miles finds pretty"

"Yeah obviously not" I said sarcastically

"I mean he's always staring at her a bit pathetic don't you think?"

"Daphne who the fuck are you even talking about?" I asked lighting a cigarette

"Ivory, Theo have you not been listening to me?"

I rolled my eyes "No I haven't I don't really give two shits"

"What's wrong with you, you've been in such a bad mood" she crossed her arms

I got off and put my pants back on "My life is fucking falling apart sorry that's an inconvenience to you" I snapped

"Salazar relax"

"I'm leaving, why don't you go and beg Miles to pay attention to you? I mean he won't even look at you if Ivory is in the room" It was a mean thing to say. But everything I say comes out mean nowadays

I walked out to the common room and she was right Miles was talking to Ivory who was writing on her parchment just nodding at whatever he was talking about.

I walked out of the common room and sat on the grass outside, I finished my cigarette and imagined a different life for myself.

One where I was happy, mum was still alive, she left my father and we didn't live here. I cant even focus on anything as my forearm burned and the fever started to spread.

I really hate it here. So instead of processing those feelings I will smoke them away or fuck them away that's when Daphne stops being mad at me.

I look at all of them and yeah I would hate me too. I am no longer who I used to be. I cant even recognize myself in the mirror. Pale skin covered in tattoos, slimmer and miserable

Forgive me mum

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now