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"You take me back now!"

"No" He grabbed my arm and dragged me, never more did I wish to have a wand. I would hex him into next week

"Where are you taking me!"

"To my house"

I scoffed "I thought you were bored of fucking me" he stopped walking and turned around to me

"I could never get bored of that" he smiled at me. I hate his stupid fucking smile.

"I don't want to go to your house"

"You're going to lay down in your own separate room, sleep, and think about your life choices" he keep walking not talking to me

"This is considered kidnapping"

He laughed "Bummer"

Nott manor looked like a haunted house and I was a bit scared to even step inside. Scared until he summoned the lights to turn on.

"The times I imagined Theodore Nott taking me to his house" I sarcastically said and his cheeks blushed.

"Sleep with me or by yourself?"

I ignored him and walked up the stairs. They had so many doors and so many rooms I tried to find one with a bed and that looked livable

"You know you could ask for directions" He yelled

"Fuck off" I yelled back and found a room, I shut the door

Theo had taken me from my home. I hate him. I hate him so much.

I put a chair under the door. I knew he would come in and try to talk to me. I didn't want to talk. I wanted to go back to America and marry Jacob. Some fucked up part of me loved him.

I was still in this dress so I got naked and laid down. He enchanted my sheets to be cool under my hot skin. I hate him.

The next morning there was a pile of clothes and new shoes with a note attached

"Unless you'd like to walk around naked. No objections"

I got dressed into the sweatpants and a hoodie, a Hogwarts hoodie. His. It even still smelt like him.

I went down the stairs and tried to open the front door, but he was opening it right as I opened it

"Look at you wearing something modest" He smiled and closed the door

"Im leaving people are probably looking for me Jacobs worried sick"

He walked and I followed him into the kitchen

"Pansy owl'ed me saying Jacob was shagging your friend Janelle"

Hopefully he doesn't think I thought Jacob was faithful to me. I knew what he was.

"Take me back Nott" I demanded making my voice sound as strong as it could

"Eat breakfast first" He motioned at sit down next to him. I kicked the chair and went back up to my room. He can fuck off.

I didn't even have money to buy myself a plan ticket home.

There was a 'pop' and I got off of the bed. It was a tray of food, fruit dipped in honey and avocado toast. Just the smell of the coffee reminded me I was hungry

"You're looking a bit thin, eat. Unless you'd like me to leave and you make you're own food. Anything you want"

I crumbled his letter and sat down on the chair moving the tray onto the desk. It was absolutely delicious and he prepared my coffee perfectly.

I hate him. I hate how he knows everything about me. But his food was delicious

I looked around and noticed the room was different. There was a bookshelf, there was so many books, all muggle books. Books that I recommend to him. I pulled one out. It was annotated with the funniest side comments

I opened the door and went to go look for him, he was sitting in the couch petting my cat and levitating a book in front of them

"You kept Josie?"

He put down the book and faced me "Afraid she loves me more"

I frowned and grabbed Josie "Shes mine you gave her to me" I petted her softly

"Care for a walk? I could show you around the grounds"

I could really use some fresh air. But i'm still pissed at him for moving me across the globe without my permission

"I think Josie and I will go by ourselves"

I walked around the gardens, he had five separate gardens. All so beautiful. There was one empty spot and another fucking note, who let this man be like this?

"Plant something, make something beautiful, know that you are capable of having something grow"

I tied my hair up, put on the gloves and I started planting the small seeds. It felt oddly therapeutic, I didn't even notice I was crying.

As I planted them the tears rolled down my face, everything I had worked for, for a whole year had fell apart.

My father locked up in Azkaban, I hadn't even gone to visit him, maybe I had always been weak. Maybe I just never thought of it.

I went back inside after crying for two hours, I was covered in dirt and tired. Tired of everything

"Dinner?" He stood by the door

"Im not in the mood to fight with you Theo" I walked up the stairs to go shower

He had bought me nice shampoos and body wash. The watermelon one I used to use

When I stepped out there was silk pj's laying in bed for me and a new tray of dinner that smelt amazing

"You don't have to eat with me. But please eat"

I sat down and ate the chicken and mashed potatoes, I grabbed a quill and started writing on the paper

"I'm eating, do you want to come in here and fuck me?"

Writing appeared again "Go to sleep Ivory"

I laughed and started writing again "I'll think about you tonight, want to watch?"

"Ivory seducing me is not going to make me take you back to America"

"Even if I let you face fuck me?"

"Go to sleep Ivory, tomorrow you can seduce me in person"

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now