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One day my arms are wrapped around her speaking soft words into her ear.

Then the next day im calling her a cunt and getting slapped across the face.

Ive never been more confused in my life. I enjoy both of them equally the same. What I don't enjoy is Adrian Pucey eating her out

I cornered him in the empty corridor late at night after I finished smoking my cigarette, he was walking towards the kitchens


"Nott" he stopped walking. I kept my graze strong

"Jealous? Still over Ivory?" He smiled and that was it all it took for my blood to boil

I grabbed him by the colar and punched him across the face. I swung again putting all my force into the punch just thinking about how he made her moan

This time he punched me across the face and I stumbled back

"She's not even yours, relax mate" he grabbed his bloody face

I laughed and punched him again. And again. Until my knuckles were numb

"She doesn't know she's mine yet. But she's mine and I don't like sharing Adrian" I spat on his shoes before walking up to the common room

Ivory ran though my thoughts but I couldn't go up to her room. And I needed some type of release. Daphne.

I went up to her room having a spare key and slipped inside and everyone slept and sat on her bed until she noticed me and woke up

"What's wrong with your face?"

I ignored her question "Can I fuck you right now?" I asked

"Merlins bread your hand" she sat up

"Excellent observation skills Daphne"

"Just tell me who?"

I debated on telling her "Adrian" I examined my knuckles

"I should've known" She laid back down

"What's that's supposed to mean?"

"Any boy that even looks at Ivory somehow they end up beat up the next day"

"It wasn't about Livingston" It was all about how he had touched my girl in ways that I should only be allowed to touch her.

"Liar, they snogged at the party and you couldn't stop looking at them"

"Fuck what do you want me to do? You're my girlfriend she's not"

That seem to validate her. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't fancy her"

I mean i've been lying to her for a bit so I can keep it going "I don't fancy her Daphne, I fucking hate her"

She smiled and I laid down next to her and she went to sleep shortly after "I know who you pretend I am" she whispered softly

I started to feel guilty. I had literally done all these things with Ivory yet im here laying next to Daphne who seems to really like me.

But I can't feel anything towards her. I look at her and I don't feel anything. I'm just passing time.

Mother always said that holding into guilt is like holding an ice cube after a while it starts burning you and you have to let go.

So when she woke up the next morning I kissed her lips and was prepared to walk out but she wrapped her legs around my waist

"I love you Theo" She moaned in my ear.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I ignoring her thrusting deeper inside of her kissing her neck

Sex really numbs everything as well just the warmth around her made everything better. The sounds that came out of her sounded like whimpers as I started fucking her harder

"Fuck, Ivory" I moaned and right away I realized what I said and got off her immediately . I know I didn't not just moan another girls name to my girlfriend

Daphne started crying. And I genuinely felt like shit. I hate myself. Actually I really do. I have no excuses or even an explanation

"Have you done anything with her? While we together?"

Time to come clean. "She jerked me off the other day and I eat her out whenever she lets me"

She started crying harder "You're fucking a piece of shit" She kicked me right on my spine

"Im sorry Daphne, I really am, I don't know why I did it, I didn't mean to hurt you"

"You did it because you love her, don't you understand that feeling of protectiveness, how you stare at her it's all love"


"I am not in love with her Daphne i'm just fucking stupid"

"No you're in love with her AND stupid and obviously blind" She wiped off the tears and sat up

"Daphne I'm sorry, give me another chance i'll leave Ivory alone I promise"

Why am I asking for second chance I don't even want another one. What I want to do is running my tongue down Ivory's body. I want to know and learn everything about her.

"You cheated on me with the one girl, THE ONLY GIRL that has made me feel less of a women" She admitted and my heart dropped

"It wasn't like that"

"You don't think I noticed how you stare at her tits or even her arse. You basically drool over her making me feel like i'm not enough. And now this"

"It has nothing to do with you, you're perfect. It's me. It's all me"

"What is it about her Theo? I must be missing something?"

I couldn't say anything.

"She's the sun, to you shes the sun"

"I'm sorry Daphne, it's all my fault"

She sat up "No it's also on that bitch Ivory"

Please don't call her that. I'm not in the position to even defend Ivory so I stayed quiet

"I'm sorry Daphne. I'm a shitty boyfriend and person and you don't have to forgive me, you just need to know that i'm sorry" I kissed her forehead

"Who am I compared to Ivory Livingston? Right? She has full breast and believe me i've seen Adrian grab her arse she has more than enough. Those long legs and those hips. Right and somehow she has absolutely no fat on her stomach."

She stood up "And don't get me started on Ivory Livingston's perfect fucking face, those green eyes and straight teeth and MERLIN that american accent right, even Pansy had a crush on her"

"Daphne please"

"Shut up Theodore" She wiped her eyes

That wasn't enough for Daphne. The next person she wanted to confront was Ivory.

And I couldn't even stop her.

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now