Chapter Twenty Five - The beginning of a new chapter.

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"You've changed. You've gotten weak."

        Katsuki was in pure and utter shock

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        Katsuki was in pure and utter shock. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. A wave of emotions hit him without mercy. He could not process the delusion in front of his face. Without thinking, he leaned forward and grabbed the small figure in front of him. Letting go of his hands, he instead comforted him. Like a mother cradling their child.

"W-where were you... all this time?" Katsuki stuttered, holding the shaking boy in his arms. His crimson shaking eyes did not leave the boy once. Was he dreaming? Did his wishes finally delude him?

The 'villain' in his arms only shook, much too weak to talk. But the boy still tried to lift himself up into the air. Only to fail and tumble down to the ground miserably. It was obvious that medical attention was needed. However, that attention would be risky.

For this boy was Paranoia.

Katsuki wrapped his arms around his old friend tightly, making sure that he couldn't escape. He didn't know whether or not it was as weak as the 'villain,' but he certainly wasn't prepared to hold any looser.

He heard a small noise coming from his friend.

"L-let go." He tried to mumble. Such a fragile voice made his heart shatter. How did we all get here again? When did it all start? Was it when they first met? Or the time they parted from each other? Katsuki should have noticed. But he was much to ignorant to take note of the suffering his friend endured. None of this would have happened if help arrived sooner. For all he knew, he could have been standing right next to him, striving to become the next number one hero.

Oh how life was cruel.

Katsuki shook his head in denial, "No... Not again." His vision began to get blurry from the tears filling his eyes, "You've been away for so long... can't you let me have this moment?" At the very end, he noticed that his voice cracked. It was indifferent to how his normal persona was. Perhaps this was the changing point.


The green haired boy dropped to the ground in defeat, no longer having any energy to stand. Both of them felt the warmth radiating from each other as they sat in silence. But the time ticking was dangerous. The hero's would arrive at any second. Ready to discover him.

Katsuki was worried. Very worried.

Luckily, the environment around them was still hazy and covered in fog and dust. It made it very hard for the pro-hero's to navigate through the terrain. It would buy them time to escape to a safe location.

Todoroki was still dealing with his opponents a few blocks back. This was evident from the loud noises coming from behind them. With him helping the team, time would be delayed just enough for them.

Would this be betraying his teammate? Or would this be an act of heroism for his friend?

Either way, he was breaking the law.


As long as nobody found out, nothing could be done to him. No evidence, no nothing.

One look at his fragile body and he was set to go. No turning back now.

Izuku needed help, and fast.

Although his legs screamed out at him to rest, he insisted on standing up. This included the extra weight of Izuku. The adrenaline inside of his body kept his heart pumping fast. Nothing was going to get in his way now.

His hands began to unleash explosion after explosion. All of this new force propelled him into the sky. Going at a speed never seen before, he skyrocketed through the air towards the academy.

        Everything was a haze

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Everything was a haze. Nothing could be comprehended. Only bits and pieces of static noise was to be picked up inside of his mind. There was absolutely nothing surrounding him. Just pure black. Deep within the abyss.

Was the sensation scary?

To Izuku, this was the blissful peace he long awaited. Far away from all the people chasing him, long gone from the aggressors...

Something above him weighed Izuku down. Almost suffocating him. This familiar feeling began to make everything around him bright again. He tried to demand the darkness back, the silence he yearned for. But all good things must come to an end. This included that.




The voice beside him kept nagging him. Like an alarm clock you wanted to throw across the room. Only this time, the alarm clock didn't stop.

"You're awake!" Finally, his eyes began to open. But at the slightest crack, a painful burst of light flooded his insides. Becoming uneasy with the environment, Izuku tried again. This time, it was better. Slowly, he become accustomed to the horrifying light. Now, the figures around him began to focus.

A boy overlooked him from above. His hair was spiky. Comparable to an albino porcupine. His face was permanently agitated, and his build was strong. The man beside the boy was much taller. But his appearance was much kinder.

Izuku recognized both of them instantly.

However, instead of the expected greeting of waking up, he placed his hand on the back of the couch he lay on and jumped over it. He held a defensive position.


His eyes lay on the brown haired figure in the room. Him.

Even though he had not yet seen the man in years, he could recall exactly where he came from.

"Izuku. We meet again."

[short chapter while I do story boarding again.]

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