Chapter Eight - The Kyōki Incident

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"Isn't it lovely? All alone. Hello, welcome home."

     After the UA exams were over, Izuku never had much on his mind

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     After the UA exams were over, Izuku never had much on his mind. Sure, he was the most prominent vigilante known to Japan, but he certainly wasn't special. Nor was he the one dealing with major villain attacks. Although he was strong, he would never be dumb enough to go against someone that could easily overpower him. That is what gets you killed in this world. Hero's tend to underestimate their enemy, always putting themselves higher than those who can't stand up for themselves. Although none of the hero's ever said it, the world does revolve around fear. If you had no fear, so many feats could be completed or achieved by now. For a example, a hierarchy could've never been achieved if fear wasn't a player in the game.

     In order to grow in this society, you need to have power over others. If you don't, you end up becoming a pawn for someone above you. And so, that is why those who have power take advantage of it. They assume that it is the weaker side's fault for being weak in the first place. No, you have it all wrong. Although some brought the despairing fate to themselves, some were born in the slums of those who have achieved more. Those born into a twisted life where no one will ever be there to help you.

Is that he reason why he became someone who helps those who are like who he once was? Possibly. But he doubted that was he reason. He doubted that anyone could be more messed up in everything more than him. Heck, he already knew that. Eighty percent of the world is populated with those who have quirks. Leaving the other twenty percent in the mercy of the devils. What a lovely world.

He was overthinking this. The boy was so caught up in his own mind, he wasn't preoccupied with what was going on outside of him. Did he get into UA? Hopefully, he got enough points to at least be able to attend the support class. He heard that if a student from the support class does well, they could advance to the hero course. And if the home room teacher decides so, they could even get into class 1-A. Maybe he could do that? Yea, that would seem reasonable. Though, he hated having the spotlight placed on him. Hearing the shouting of people. It made him want to scream.

Of course, he couldn't scream. His mind wouldn't let him. Just a habit of the past. I guess that made him a well mannered child. Not some bratty kid who cries over spilled milk.

He pondered if all the arrogant hero's were like that. But then again, you would have to have gone through some mistreatment to want that much attention. Some who go through that choose to seek attention so they can feel the pity, or some prefer to stay silent and live normal life.

Scurrying from building to building, he worked on staying silent. Ever since he took the UA exams, he made sure not to be seen by anyone. Not even the villains he took down. He had to be more cautious than ever now that he might be attending a popular school. 

'𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕍𝕠𝕚𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖' [Vigilante Deku] ᴅᴀᴅᴢᴀᴡᴀWhere stories live. Discover now