Chapter Six - Chains

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"Cut our all the toxic people from your life they said. But how do you cut off your own family I asked."

[Izuku/Aizawa POV]

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[Izuku/Aizawa POV]

     Tight laces wrapped around the vigilante. They felt like the chains that he had once been trapped in for those many dark years. It made him lose all hope of ever getting out. It was like falling into a black hole. The feeling of complete and utter despair. This time, the laces seemed like they were unbreakable. Izuku couldn't grasp his focus; disabling him from tearing the capture gear like he normally did.

Paranoia showed no expression as the white capture gear wrapped around the vigilante even more tightly. He only stood still as it entwined around him.

"Paranoia, surrender willingly and we'll let you have a second chance at life. But if you refuse, we'll have to place criminal charges on you." A gruff voice states. Of course it was going to him. The one and only person who could clearly see through a prey's actions.

Underground pro hero Eraserhead.

     Realizing that is was him, something swelled inside of Izuku's heart. It felt like his shoulders became a little lighter, and perhaps.. he missed the hero?

Analyzing the situation, Paranoia began brainstorming ways to escape. One thing he could do would be to distract the hero before the other pro hero's show up. Then, escape without a problem. But he doubted that Eraserhead would fall for something like that.

     Even though he wouldn't like it, he needed to do something to throw Eraserhead off. Plan B would need to take action.

He let out a forced laugh, a soft giggle that would only belong to a haunted doll. It spilled out of him like a menacing threat. A sound that could only belong to the villain. The monster.

Eraserhead looked very fazed from the act. The hero took a big step back, distancing himself from the vigilante, but still retained a tight grip on the capture gear. Eraserhead's eyes were shaking with fear, they looked at him with a terrified stare, expecting him to attack at any moment, they for mercy. They looked just like those eyes from back then..

     "What makes you think I'll be caught?" Izuku mused, praying to the supposed lords above for a miracle.

He assumed the gods had answers his prayers, because he felt a uncomfortable bulge on his right thigh. During the chaos, Izuku had completely forgotten that he had prepared himself with spare weapons in case of emergencies like the one happening currently.

It was very tough to move his arm under the capture gear,—especially when Paranoia didn't want himself to get noticed—he felt the sharp tip of his dagger. It was a small and tiny blade, but it dealt the same damage any sword could if you used it properly. How do you think that thieves stood a chance against knights in the olden days? It's because they used their skills properly. Those knights were all for show. Izuku enjoyed reading about the enemies instead.

'𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕍𝕠𝕚𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖' [Vigilante Deku] ᴅᴀᴅᴢᴀᴡᴀWhere stories live. Discover now