Chapter Twenty Six - Forget

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"You made me forget who I am. Well.. I was never somebody in the first place because of you."


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The brown haired man sat straight up on the couch. Not once did he slob over. He looked neat and tidy, ready for anything. But his face held a great concern for the green haired boy.

"Look, I know I was involved in the incident but I can assure you, I was trying to help." He tried to look as innocent as possible. It truly was the case however. That time ago must have been painful for the boy. It was painful for anyone within those experiment. Izuku would probably never heal from his trauma.

Izuku stared back with narrowed eyes.

Bakugou made a sour face. "Incident? What the hell are you talking about?" Although he wanted to be angry at his father for telling him nothing, there was no point doing it in front of Izuku.

"That's..." He mumbled out, looking towards Izuku with a guilty expression.

The boy's tiny voice spoke up. "It doesn't matter what happened in the past..." His voice was raspy, as if he hadn't spoken for the longest time. "All that matters is that All For One is stopped..." There was a slight shaking in his voice. Whatever he said about forgetting the past was on the spectrum of lies. Nobody could escape those horrors. It remained eternal.

"We're doing our best, Izuku. But... he's..."

"I know. He's built more killing machines." Izuku sighed out. The sigh made his back ache. He sat up straight on the couch. His expression became more serious as he gazed into Masaru's eyes. With his mind all fuzzy, he couldn't tell whether or not his words of kindness were truthful. But just for Bakugou, he would comply.

Bakugou, who was on the sidelines, had been itching to know what they were talking about. Incident? All for one? Killing machine? What did Izuku have to do with all of that stuff?

"A while back... I stole files from the island." Masaru revealed. He reached behind himself and handed Izuku several documents tucked away in brown folders. This made Izuku's eyes widen.

"I had information on every single entity in that facility... except you." Masaru got up onto his feat and walked over to Izuku. He stopped once he was close enough to tower over him. "What... what did they do to you?"

Izuku pursed his lips. He averted his eyes from him.

Finally, Bakugou had enough of this torment. He was never one to be patient in the first place. Using his body to block Masaru from going any closer to Izuku, he began to yell.

"Okay! I had enough! Can somebody tell me every god damn thing that you're talking about!? You're making me worried."

Bakugou looked around to face Izuku but only received silence.


Masaru sighed.

"All you need to know is that All for one is trying to take over... well... the world. He wants to control everybody with his own little puppet strings. However, to do that, All for one resorted to many... inhuman tactics. The unspeakable." His father told him. After taking the files back from Izuku, he opened them up to reveal photos stapled onto many sheets of paper. Bakugou grabbed these files at once to search through them.

But what he saw made him drop all the files at once.

"W-what is this..."


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A young boy was sent flying across the room and into the stone wall. It left a huge crack in the wall. But the boy was still alive.

Though, this process was not painless.

"How many times have I told you to behave?" A deep voice told the boy in a agitated tone. It was muffled under a black mask. Tubes coming from the mask extended to his back.


The boy didn't dare to speak.

Instead, the man walked towards him with small steps. Every step made the boy flinch inside. It was every step closer to him. Danger was close.

The man lifted his chin with a finger and brought it towards his face.

Green emerald eyes met the black mask with seemingly nothing behind it.

The boy wasn't about to glare at this monster.

"You are a tool to be used against the hero's. That is your only purpose! Yet you defy the only reason behind your existence!"


The villain rammed the bound face down into the ground once again. This caused blood to trickle down the green haired boy's face. When the boy looked up again, the villain was right in front of his face.

"You are a weapon, Izuku."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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