Chapter One - Pain

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"Sometimes it easier to pretend that you don't care, than admit it's bothering you."

[Seven Years Before]

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[Seven Years Before]

     It was a dark place. The air was thin, the floor was cold, and a sickly smell of copper gave the room a sinister vibe. The squalid walls looked ancient and unkept while the once lively lightbulb lay shattered on the floor. The only noises that could be heard was the dysphoria hum that teased a persons sanity, and the slight rustle of the chains that wrapped around the wrists and ankles of a small boy.

     Appearances aside, the boy lay on the ground, motionless. Only the slow and light breathing of the chest could be considered 'movement'.

In spite of the fact that it was no normal manner for a young child to be chained to a wall inside of a dark room, you would have to wonder what was going inside of the minds of those involved?

     While the perpetrators thought this was a small punishment for the shame the boy had supposedly put into the family. The boy thought that he had deserved this draconian life. He was a 'quirkless' child in a family full of powerful 'heroes.' If you could call them any.

Being quirkless was a rare and frowned upon condition. The quirkless were often treated with complete crap, and given no place in this world of power thriving humans.

It was just like how people in the past thousands of years ago were frowned upon being left handed. Giving the unfortunate person a death penalty at the climax of that time.

     The abusers in this story were named Inko Midoryia, and Hisashi Midoriya. Both of whom shared powered quirks, and were once respected hero's who retired due to receiving a child. Though, everybody believed the sob story of the child dying in a car crash just four years after their birth. But nobody knew the truth.

Inko Midoryia could use telekinesis to lift objects with her mind, and throw them at a unsuspecting villain. Hisashi Midoryia could breathe fire out of his mouth. It allowed the man to act just like a dragon. Though, these quirks could be used for anything. Things that weren't a part of heroism. Things that could be noted as... painful.

Izuku, feeling alamort- blinked his eyes a few times as he woke from his peaceful, yet painful slumber. The boy had wished he would never woken up from his nightmares. But wishes only came true to good children. And he was a bad child. A child that shouldn't exist in this world. He was just a burden to all. That was what made the boy grateful for the life he was getting. Of course he needed to be punished for his sins. They provided Izuku with food and shelter. And that was something that he didn't deserve.


     A thumping noise could be heard outside of the heavy iron door that filled Izuku with nausea.

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