Chapter Nine - Social Anxiety

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"Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to rebuild."

     If I had to compare the downtown Japanese buildings to UA, they would stand absolutely no chance against this fortress

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     If I had to compare the downtown Japanese buildings to UA, they would stand absolutely no chance against this fortress.

Izuku wondered how much money was put into building such a massive school with training grounds and such. All that money probably came from tax payers.

Though he had many complaints about the school, he couldn't deny the fact that it was a beautiful building. The blue tinted windows reflected the sunlight that shone on it. Giving it a majestic look. Flourishing plants filled the school grounds, looking like they were all treated with love and affection.


Students started to pour into the school building for the start of their classes. Each one of them excited to start or continue their journey to becoming a hero. Too bad those dreams were so fragile.

Before entering the building, Izuku went to peek at himself in the reflection in the window.

Earlier that morning, the boy had dyed his hair black. It was something that lasted around seven hours. Enough time so that he could home without being noticed with any real changes and keep in check his vigilante identity.

Studying himself in the mirror, he could notice that there were noticeable bags under his eyes. Those dark markings never ceased to exist didn't they?

Maybe if he looked down like he usually did, he could hide them enough so that no one notices. He kept a clear reminder in his mind to put on some makeup over the markings.

Sighing deeply, the young boy began his journey at UA academy. School for future heroes  in training.

     Today wasn't going to be a good day

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     Today wasn't going to be a good day. It was the first day back from the summer holidays. He time where he would be beginning to teach his problem children once again.

Though, he had to give them some credit. They had gone through many hardships during their time at the hero school. And they were just kids.

But from these events, they have grown stronger and more empathic towards the world. He knew they were going to be amazing heroes.

'𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕍𝕠𝕚𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖' [Vigilante Deku] ᴅᴀᴅᴢᴀᴡᴀWhere stories live. Discover now