Chapter Four - Stay Away

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"No one ever seems terrified of losing me.."

[Aizawa/Izuku POV]

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[Aizawa/Izuku POV]

     Paranoia knew he shouldn't have done it. He knew he would have regretted it. But of course, nobody can change the past. No matter how hard you try. The pain will always stay. You'd just have to accept it.

And because of his stupid decision, Izuku was looking the underground hero directky in the eye and did not dare to look away. He held his gaze on the hero. The first one to look away would be the loser. Neither of them liked losing.

     It was currently one in the morning—certainly not a time where one would normally be awake, especially one his age— but both of them knew the weight of their professions.

Aizawa stood on top of the building across from Izuku. His capture tape blowing in the night wind while Paranoia stood on the building across, it was half a story taller than the other one. Paranoia looked down upon the hero, his clock creating a dramatic effect when it waved in the wind as well.

From Shouta's point of view, Paranoia looked around fifteen, perhaps sixteen. He wanted to confirm at least some solid evidence of clues that could help in find the vigilante's identity. One of the important attributes being his age. What he needed to do now, was get a closer look at the vigilante. But his mask would be quite the problem. It hid all of his features. And then the added bonus of the black hood that shielded his hair from sight. He complimented the vigilante mentally for being cautious. Many vigilantes make the rookie mistake of accidentally revealing their identities by not dressing themselves up properly. If he could have a least a second glimpse at the vigilante's face, figuring out his exact age would be simple. Though, telling from the height he measured the vigilante as, Eraserhead was in complete shambles at discovering his age.

One moment, he had a deep and adult like voice. Then, Eraserhead was splattered with the mystery of his weight. And finally, the cherry on top, his height. What part about it made sense? Some adults barely grow. He knew about one in the world record book he read. An Indian man was around half a metre tall. Which completely shocked him. And this was the record set without quirk usage. Though, he doubted that someone that short could have such a deep voice. Perhaps the vigilante was using a voice changer? He admitted that if it was, he would still be shocked. Whoever made it was a master at their profession.

Shouta had to think of a clear and vital way to capture or identify this vigilante.

"Paranoia, how are you tonight?" Aizawa asked, cautious of the vigilante's next actions. But he wanted to play it cool.

Paranoia put his hands behind his back and leaned forward a bit, giving off a teasing feeling.

His voice sounded deep as it came out. "Nothing much Eraserhead. How 'bout you?"

     This kid was starting to annoy him. Eraserhead couldn't get anything from listening to the vigilante's voice. But he was still sure that Paranoia was underaged. The voice changer he wasn't so sure about. He had met a Sixteen year old who sounded like they had sucked helium, but with the opposite effect.

'𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕍𝕠𝕚𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖' [Vigilante Deku] ᴅᴀᴅᴢᴀᴡᴀWhere stories live. Discover now