It's Really You

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George's P.O.V

A ring. 
A small, silver, engagement ring.
A white diamond glistening in the center. 
The words, "Love WeasleB" were engraved on the inside of the band. 
The box snapped shut as we both hit the floor. 
Everything was being brought out of the haze all at once. 
Summer's spent together as children. 
Christmas and birthday parties brought back to life. 
Every fight from that one time I dyed her hair as a prank to when we were 12 and she broke my new broom. 
And I loved her through it all. 
The Tri Wizard Tournament. 
Our breakups and makeups. 
Every word she has ever said to me....
"You smell delightful"
" George, I need you"
" I've fancied you since I first layed my bloody eyes on you"
" Together or not at all"
"I love you George Weasley"
and every word I said to her.
"It was worth all those years of waiting"
"you are beautiful no matter what you look like"
" You are all of the good and none of the bad"
" She is the prettiest girl ive ever layed eyes on"
" You are still beautiful and god, does it hurt"
"We are bleeding perfect together"
Not even death could break us apart. 
I loved her. 
I love her.
I always will love her.
My best friend, my girlfriend, my future fiance. 
The memories were silenced by the consuming need. 
Being away from her so long mentally has ripped me apart. 
"George? You alright there mate?" Her voice rang through my thoughts, my pain. 
She was standing by the bathroom door looking like a perfect angel. 
Godric, I've missed this. 
Standing up, I stalked over to her, "Don't you dare ever call me your fucking mate again"
My voice was stern and strong. 
She gave me a frightened look and I smiled. 
"Baby, we are so much more than that" 
Grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close, I chuckled. 
"Blakely, Blakely, Blakely, Once you thought your favorite Black has given up on you. Blakely"
Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she realized what I said. 
"It's really you!" She squealed, throwing her arms around my neck. 
Holding her to my chest, I let her sweet smell wash over me. Her soft skin rubbing against mine, finally in my arms at last. 
"It's me, Carter. God, I love you. I love you Blakely. I never want to let you go" I whispered in her hair as I kept her tightly against me. 
She pulled away slightly, placing her hands on either side of my face. 
"You never have to" 
She kissed me with a soft passion, one that made me weak. 
Then I realized............
Picking her up, I carried her to the couch and sat her down. 
"Do you even know how, oh my godric, you are so beautiful. Just stop. Im upset for other guys because they will never have such a gorgeous girlfriend. Have I told you I loved you lately? because I do." I rambled on and on, nervous that she some how saw the small red box. "How about we celebrate? Get everyone together at the house and tell them the great new? Im just going to go and change real quick, you stay there. I'll be right back." 
Closing the door to the bedroom behind me, I grabbed the red box from underneath the bed where it slid.
Tonight the love of my life will become my fiance. 

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