Mrs. George Fabian Weasley

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George's P.O.V
"Oh my kid's" Mum wrapped us all into a big hug when we stepped in the door.
That is one thing you'll never forget, the feeling of Molly Weasley wrapping you into a bone crushing hug. 
"So you remember everything deary?" Mum asked. 
"Yeah, even you always calling me Fred, which by the way, Im Fred" Fred stated, kissing mom on the cheek and pushing her toward me. 
I wrapped my arms around her again and wondered how I could have ever forgotten any of this. 
Pulling away, I took her by the hands. "Mum, can I talk to you in private" 
The curious look on her face made me even more nervous and my hands trembled slightly as I lead her into the living room.
Passing by the door it opened to reveal dad home just in time. 
"George my boy, this couldn't be a better day" He stated, coming over to pat me on the back. 
"Dad, could I actually talk to you and mum real quick" 
"Don't you want to say hello to your brother's and oh, I know Ginny has been wanting to tell you so much" He chuckled, but I closed the divide to the living room anyway. 
I shook my head and sank down into the chair opposite the coach and motioned for them to sit as well. 
"This will only take a minute" I stated, looking down at my hands. 
"What's wrong George?" The concern in mum's voice was prominent and very unnecessary. 
"Mum, Dad,  you know how Blakely she doesn't have any parents, and well, you know you have always been her second mother, mum. And dad you were the only father figure she has ever had her whole life. You both adopted Blakely into our family, no questions asked, you have always treated her like a daughter even though she wasn't your own. The only question I have to ask is, can I make this family whole? Because the only thing that is keeping her from being your's legally is a wedding. I think I might be the only person capable of handling Blakely, forever, till death do us part, so, how does it sound? Do I have your permission to marry the love of my life?"
Mum was crying as expected and dad was smiling, as expected.
"Nothing would be make prouder" Dad stated, standing up from the coach and grasping me in a hug. 
Mum sniffled and rubbed her cheeks with her sleeve. 
"I knew it. I knew the moment you two met. I saw the look in your eye's, Georgie. A look that I've never seen before, that look was love. I watched you two, day in and day out, that love was always there. Im so happy, for both of you." Mum kissed me on the cheek and cupped my face with her hands. "Let's eat"

As the table filled with family members and the plates filled with food, my hands twitched with anticipation. 
How was I supposed to survive through this dinner? 
Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Percy, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Fred, Mum, and Dad all chattered away. 
My memory was the talk of the table and I couldn't get a fork in my mouth without being asked for a history lesson of my life. 
I answered all questions and prayed my nerves wouldn't show through my words. 
Sitting at the head of the table, Blakely sat on my right mucking about with Fred on her left. 
"Blakely came up with the best product for the joke shop" Fred mused, stuffing a roll in his mouth. 
Hermione smirked at Blakely, "Of coarse she did, what products didn't Blakely help make in that shop of yours?"
Ron raised his head, "So, what is it then?" 
Blakely rolled her eyes and dropped her fork, " Let me just remind you that the only reason I came up with the idea was that Fred over here gave me a black eye when we were stacking shelves." 
"You're welcome" Fred sang, taking a spoonful of pie off Blakely's plate. 
"Anyways, I had to work at the pub the next night and I told him, you should give your employee's bruise removal paste when they apply to work here. Now it's our best seller." She grinned, "And I buy most of it" 
Everybody chuckled. 
I can't believe I forgot all of these dinners. 
All of these moments.
They were priceless.
They were all that filled my head now. 
Blakely swiveled her head to look at me and grabbed my hand. 
Everyone was piling up the dishes now, getting ready to whip their wands out and send them to the sink. 
She was smiling at me now, white teeth sparkling in the light, just like her green eyes.
She was perfection.
"Everyone, I would like to say a few words" I said, standing up to my full height. 
"Please George, some of us have to be to work" Percy moaned.
Fred elbowed him in the side, "And some of us would like to say a few words. We all have stuff to do Perc so, shut it." 
My hands were shaking, my throat was dry, why was this so hard?
I thought this would be easy.
"We have all been through so much. Everything that has happened throughout our lives has brought us together. Hogwarts, especially, the one place where anything is possible. Hogwarts taught me more then magic, I learned what true friends are, what loyalty looks like, and what love feels like. I have earned more then an education, I have made lasting friendships, I have fought for noble causes, and I found my future wife because of Hogwarts" 
Bending down, I let my right knee hit the round as I pulled the small box out of my back pocket. 
"Blakely Rae Carter, you are the only girl I know who is cool and still looks like a girl. The only girl I know who would have been brave enough to let a Weasley run you through the platform and the only girl insane enough to stick with me all these years. From the moment I met you, I knew you were special and I wasn't wrong. You are the love of my life, Blake. Let me be yours, marry me, please, I can't wait anymore." 
Looking into those big green eyes, I watched as a single tear fell down onto her lilac dress. She clasped her hand over her mouth and shook her head up and down. 
Standing up, I watched as she shot out of her chair "You've always been mine you bloody idiot" 
Wrapping her arms around my neck, I picked her up and held her to my body.
"Since When?" I chuckled, hiding my face in her hair. 
"Since I first layed my bloody eye's on you" She whispered, before laying her perfect lips onto mine. 
Pulling away, I smiled wide at her and she did the same. 
Why was I ever so worried?
"So, is that a yes then?" Ginny stated from the table. 
Everyone was looking at us in anticipation. 
"You all are now looking at, which it is very rude to stare by the way, the future Mrs. George Fabian Weasley" 

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