You Are Wrong

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As soon as my bare feet hit the cold shop floor I heard the upstairs door being thrown open. Footfalls echoed through the empty shop as the man made his way toward the railing above me. 
"And what sort of time is this?" Fred stated, smiling down at me.
"Sorry im late" Apperating to the second floor, I landed with a pop next to him. "Traffic was hell"
He wrapped me in a tight hug before asking the obvious question.
"Where's George?"
I rolled my tired eyes.
"At your parents cabin"
One side of his lips pulled up into a small smirk.
"Let me guess, he was being a git?" Fred chuckled, walking toward the open door.
I followed, "The Gittiest"  

Closing the door behind me, I examined the entrance of the small apartment.
I remember Fred writing to me  about the space above Weasley's Wizard Wheezes; I dont remember him saying how nice it was though. 
With a small kitchen and dining table to the left of the front door and a sitting area and fireplace to the right. It was perfect for them.
"Did mum decorate?" I asked, pulling the purple chair away from the bright orange table. Taking a seat, I admired the layout.
Fred smiled, grabbing a tea cup from an olive colored cabinet.
"What kind of rubbish question is that? She won't even let us dress ourselves" 
Setting a now full cup of tea in front of me, i took a small sip of the steaming liquid. 
"At least she taught you how to make a good pot of tea" I sighed, bringing my knees up to my chest. 
The warmth of it all relaxed me, bringing a calm I did not expect. 
Dear Godric, i cant remember the last time something tasted so good. 
Sitting in silence for a few minutes my eyelids felt like boulders and my vision was starting to blur. 
"OI Carter!" Fred yelled in my face, making my eyes go wide with surprise. "It's a kitchen, not a bedroom. We do have rules here you know? We aren't animals"
I gave him a blank stare.
"Well, Well, Well, aren't we fancy?" Standing up, I looked toward the back wall where the rest of the rooms were.
"You can take George's room. The smell is bearable and you can almost see the floor" He chortled, holding the middle of the three doors open. 
"Bathroom is to your right if you ever decide to clean that burn up, first aid is under the sink. My room is on the left. No, nothing has died in there, it always smells like that" 
I cringed as my finger trailed across the brush burn on my left cheek. A small amount of pink ooze seeped through the damaged skin.
"I didn't even notice that" I mumbled, looking at my hand.
I was too cross with George to feel the burn on my cheek, i could hardly even see straight.
Fred must have sensed my sorrow because before I knew it, he was shoving me in the room.
"there is this new thing called sleep, now, clear off and get some of it Carter before I knock you out myself" He warned slamming the door closed behind me.
For once in his life, Fred was right.
I needed to rest.
Walking over to George's king sized bed, I drew the green cotton covers and pulled myself onto the huge mattress.
I settled down in the middle, pulling the fabric up to my chin.
Silence filled the room.
The very empty room.
Thoughts filled my head
From my very lonely heart.
This wouldn't last.
I would have to run again, go into hiding, soon. 
What bothers me the most about all of this is, im used to it. 
Tears streamed down my face and soaked the pillow underneath my head.
I dont remember when I stopped 
or if I even did.
I just know, i cried myself to sleep.

George's P.O.V

Slamming the door closed behind me, I threw my keys on the table and kicked the nearest chair over.
What did I do!
She was right there!
I finally had her in front of me.
What was I thinking?
I should have went after her.
I shouldn't have opened my bloody mouth at all.
"Whats got your wand in a knot Georgie?" Fred chuckled. 
I really wasn't in the mood.
"Piss off" I mumbled, throwing the refrigerator door open.
"Hostel are we? What happened with Young Blake?"
Ha, I was still asking myself the same question.
Closing the door, I leaned against the fridge with my head in my hands.
"I apperated us to the cabin, she uhhh.......i don't know" 
I paced the room trying to sift through all the anger and sadness that was coursing through me.
"She just acts like nothing changed, like she never left, like nothing is wrong! No word from her in 1 year, now she thinks she can just showup!" 
Fred was quick to answer back.
"You saw those Death Eatters tonight, or are you blind? Each one of them is salivating over the chance to find the last living Black. They would have killed you, me, mum, dad, if they though we were helping her. You really think she could have lived with herself with that much blood on her hands?"
I shut right up.
Fred knew how broken up I was when she left, now he's defending her.
"Im your brother" I stated, dumbstruck
"And you are wrong"
I stopped pacing
Oh my God.
I was wrong.
"What did I do?" I muttered, ripping my fingers through my hair.
"Nothing that cant be....." 
I interrupted Fred.
"You don't understand, I yelled at her and she left! I might never see her again!" I screamed, slamming my fist in the wall. 
I lost her
I drove her away and it's all my fault.
"I did this! This is my fault. Instead of keeping her safe. I put her in danger because im thick"
Fred laughed
It wasn't funny
"Find this humorous do you? They could have found her by now, she could be dead!" 
"She's not because they didnt" He stated, smiling at me.
"She's safe in bed. She came here after your little tiff" 
I grinned
"You couldn't have lead with that mate?" 
"It's not like I could get a word in" 
We wrapped each other in a tight hug. Pulling away, I made a go for the door.
"She went to bed an hour ago, I heard her crying half the time" Fred informed.
I nodded my head before quietly creaking open the door and shutting it behind me.
Turning around, the only thing on my bed was a small lump underneath the cover.
My heart burst.
Going over to the side of the bed, the moon light shinned down over her tear streaked face.
she did do an aweful amount of crying.
"Oh Blakely" I whispered.
How could I let her be alone tonight?
Laying next to her, I propped my back against the headboard and pulled her toward me.
Her head rested against my chest as I wrapped both my arms around her.
She never even stirred. 

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now