Filthy Halfbreed

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A voice whispered close to my ear. 

Was this a dream?


It came again.


Wishful thinking probably.

Forcing my drooping eyes open, it doesn't hurt to at least make sure.


If this was wishful thinking, it would be George, not Ron.

This has to be real.

On the other side of those iron bars was Ronald Weasley. 

I don't think ive ever been so happy to see him. 

"Ron, what are you doing here?" I whispered, trying to prop myself up against the wall.

"We were captured my snatchers, Bellatrix put us down here" 

"Us?" I questioned, hearing footsteps upstairs growing closer and closer. 

"Harry and I but Dobby is about to get us out of this mess, all of us. Just play along" He muttered quickly, hiding back into the shadows of the other room. 

Harry was here? 

And where is Hermione?

Dobby? What the hell is a Dobby?

Hearing the clanking of boots retreating down the steps behind me, I prayed it wasn't Bellatrix.

She can't be bored already.

"Up you go" The scratchy voice soothed behind me, hoisting me up by my armpits.

Glancing behind me I was eye to eye with the one they call WormTail. A funny looking bloke with enlarged teeth and manky hair. 

He gave me a sorry smirk and even if he was a Death Eater, I welcomed the kind gesture.

"NOW IN WITH YOU! YOU FILTHY HALFBREED!" He screamed up the steps, putting an act on for the Malfoy's benefit.

Clanking the cell door open, he helped me shuffle into the damp chamber.

"Thank you" I whispered, careful my voice didn't travel.

He didn't need to be in trouble for being the tinest bit human.

Not on my account.

Turning to face him, there was no one there.

Well there was, he was just snoozing on the rockhard floor.

"Who gets his wand" A whisper called down to us.

An elf not even up to my knee caps smiled at me.

God, this day keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Snatching the wand off the ground, I threw it to Harry before propping Wormtail against the dripping wall. 

It's the least I can do for him.

"Im afraid im not going to be much help to you guys, I dont have my wand and I can barely touch my own skin" I cringed, motioning to my face and neck.

They nodded in agreement.

I was a lost cause.


Noticing my apprehention, Ron took me by the elbow "We are all getting out of here"

And right at that moment, I believed him.

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now