Two Is Better Then One

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I cant believe I let this happen.
I let my guard down. 
I went out in public as myself, no cover spell, just me.
The same person whos face is plastered on every post in Diagon Alley.
Now I get what I deserve.
Hanging from a tree limb by my ankle.
My voice echoed through the still, dark forest. 
I twisted my head around trying to see through the curtain of hair hanging in my face.
Holy Hufflepuff, Where is the ground even at?
"You know George, you can really make me see red" I cross my arms over my chest as blood kept rushing to my head. 
Hearing the crunch of brittle leaves, I twisted around to spot George jogging toward me. 
Now standing underneath me, George twirled a strand of my long hair around his index finger.
"Oh you know, just hanging out" I stated, kicking my free leg. " So, lets wingardium levosa me out of this, now" 
George smiled.
"What's the magic word?"
I rolled my eyes.
As my foot slipped.
"Oh come on Blakely it's not......."
"My foot George! it sl."
Falling from the tree, I winced in preparation for the ground.
But it never came.
George clumsily wrapped his arms around my waist, catching me.
"Oh thank Godric, you are a life saver"
Setting me down on my feet, I brushed myself off.
"Speaking of life, I didn't mean to involve you in my hectic one. I never wanted this for you" 
I was apologetic. At this point, I had nothing else to give but an 'im sorry'
"I go to your shop once and you're already swanning off. Leaving everything behind to make sure im safe. it's not fair" I heaved a heavy sigh as I turned my face up toward the tree tops.
George was silent a few moments before reaching out and grasping my hand.
"And I never wanted you to leave me. Im not swanning of, im exactly where I need to be. its not fair having you out here all alone. I cant loose you again Blakely"  I looked at George's dumbface "and dont tell Fred but you were always a better friend" He whispered, as if someone would hear him. 
I smirked.
"Who else is going to keep you out of trouble" I chuckled.
It was a nice moment.
One of the very few we've had since reconnecting.
Taking a few steps forward, I wrapped my arms around George and gave him a short hug.
"Why are we in the forbidden forest?" I asked, pulling away from him.
The ground, leaves, brush, and even the air was dry and bleak. There was only one place like this.
"Thought you'd like someplace warm and homey" George smirked.
Noticing my bemusement, he retorted.
"Ok, I just thought this would be the last place anyone would look"
"Are you kidding? The Forbidden Forest is like a beacon for anything dark and sinister. It's like a breeding ground for Death Eaters" I hissed, kicking a few leaves.
How frustrating is this?!
I need to help Harry and im stuck hiding away with no idea what to do next. 
How useless am I?!
"Please tell me you have a plan because im fresh out" I pleaded, taking a seat on a near by log.
"You said the plan was to pop off from place to place right? I recken thats what we do. If I know Hermione she'll find someway of getting our attention, lead us to them" George paced, deep in thought.
And let me tell ya, it paid off.
"George, you are brilliant!" I exclaimed, jumping up off the log. "For once in your bleeding life, you are right. Stick to the plan. Thats all we need to do" I grinned up at George as he grasped both my arms.
"That was almost a compliment. I better hold on tight, i might faint from your kindness" He chortled with sarcasm.
Smirking, I closed my eyes.
What goes around comes around Georgie.
Air whirled around us, pulling me every which way. 
The feeling wore off as soon as my feet touched the ground and I heard an array of thuds and groans.
"Next time, I suggest holding on a little tighter" Spinning around, there was nothing but a few trees and tall grass. 
"Have we apperated?" I heard a muffled voice call out.
I chuckled.
"No, I just pushed you over" 
Leaping over the knee high green, I made my way till I finally spotted George's firey red hair.
"Oh my back" He whinned, looking up at me.
"How does it feel when you crash land, eh? Not that great now is it?" I mocked, helping George up to his feet.
This was on of the areas Hermione mentioned as a good hide out. I almost forgot about it. 
Her cousins farm was large enough and so far east of no where.
It was like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. 
"Hermione's uncle owns this farm and she said her cousin is almost always home. Sha'll we pay him a visit?" I asked, pointing a few yards ahead to the small blue ranch style house.

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now