Lets Do This

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Blakely's P.O.V
I had tears running down my face with a smile curled on my lips.
I knew George would come back to me, he always does.
In a moment that was so perfect, so right, I could only think of one person.
The only other person who understood my grief, my pain, my frustration.
Over the last few months, Fred was more then a friend to me.
He was my own brother. 
He listened to me, cried with me, and was there for me when George couldn't be. 
When the thought of George never getting his memory back flooded my brain, Fred reminded me, always, of one thing.
George was a fighter and George always fought for me. 
He never gave up on me. 
Jumping off the coach and down the shop stairs I was pushing customers out of the way just to find that mop of red hair. 
There he was, ringing out a young boy who looked a little too excited to be getting puking pastilles. 
Racing to the register, I cut to the front of the line. 
I beamed big at the owner behind the counter. 
"Move it or lose it Blakely. I don't have time for our witty repartee right now" Fred stated, trying to shove me out of the next customers way.
I didn't budge.
"For starters, 1. Rude, 2. Since when did you ever give up a chance to insult each other, and 3. Your brother's memory is back, just in case you were interested. I know you are oh, so, very busy. Let me just get our of yo..." 
Before I could finish, Fred pulled out an umbrella and handed it to me, opening one for himself as well. 
The ceiling started to open up and release tiny raindrops, Fred gave me a smirk.
"On account of the weather, we will be closing up early today"
Everyone in the store just stopped and looked at Fred. 
The tiny drops started to beat down and turn into heavy hale. 
A sea of people ran toward the front door and the store was empty and dry in a matter of minutes. 
"I honestly don't see how you guys have any loyal customers" I chuckled, handing him back the umbrella. 
"It's the Weasley charm" 
"Or the fact that you are the only joke shop on the Alley" I stated.
Hearing the door close from upstairs, George came into view.
"There you are! Just the person I wanted to see!" George stated, pointing at Fred with a big grin as he descended the stairs. 
"Georgie! Twin, I've miss you too" Fred went to give him a big hug. 
George punched him in the arm. 
"Owe! Whatcha do that for?"
"Last month when I asked you if you ever kissed Blakely you said, "No George, Never, I don't even find her fit" 
I chuckled, walking over to George and putting my arms around his middle "That's a bold lie. Even for you Fred."
"Well, I never thought he'd remember. Especially not those details"
We all laughed.
It was nice.
How it should be. 
3 best mates, together again.

George's P.O.V
"I  told mum we'd be there in 20 minutes, that was 40 minutes ago" I yelled toward the bathroom door. 
Tonight is one of the most important nights of my life and we were going to be late. 
"It's been like an hour and that's just in the bathroom" Blakely sighed, resting her head on my shoulder. "What do you think he does in there?"
"He looks in the mirror and tires to convince himself he's the better looking twin" I stated.
She chuckled, her head on my shoulder.
God, I didn't know how much I missed this.
The feel of her hair brushing against my arm. 
Her face inches from mine. 
"You laugh but im serious. I caught him doing it once."
Blakely sighed sympathetically, "Poor Dear, are we sure he doesn't need glasses?" 
Standing up and walking over to the door, I banged 3 times before the lock on the knob clicked. 
"Come in Georgie if you want to catch a glimpse of your dear brothers arse cheeks" Fred chortled, toothbrush in mouth. 
Walking in, I slammed the door behind me. 
"Tonight is going to be an important night for all of us, so if you wouldn't mind hurrying along, I'd like to propose to my future wife. Your future sister in law, of coarse, if that's all right with you?" 
Fred let his toothrush hang out of his mouth. 
"Wat?" He mumbled. 
I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Blakely? You know Blakely right? 5'2, brown hair, devastatingly beautiful, Yeah, her. Im going to ask her to marry me. Do you need me to spell it out because I will" 
Conjuring a pad and pen out of my back pocket, I wrote down three words. 
'Lets Do This'
"This is what we've all been waiting for since we met her, Freddie. We've been waiting to make her a permanent part of this family and it looks like im the only one fit for the job. So, what do you say? Lets do this."
Slapping the note across this forehead, I chuckled at his open mouth still dripping minty liquid. 
To be honest, I was waiting for his opinion.
Was it to soon?
I know I just got my memory back but it just feels right.
Why wait for something else to come up when I've been waiting for this girl my whole life?
I can't let her slip through my fingers like I have so many times before. 
I can't take the chance that she will wait on me forever. 
I can't lose her. 
Fred spit out his tooth brush and full mouth into the sink, ripping off the note in the process. 
"It's about time, Georgie" He stated, grabbing me in a full hug. 
Knowing I had my brother's approval was just reinsurance.
"Then bloody hurry the hell up, I don't want to let Blakely wait any longer" 
Going to walk out the door, Fred followed right behind me. 
"Well, I don't want to be the reason my brother and my best friend are late to their engagement dinner, now, do I?" 

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now