At Peace

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"Now im not saying this will work" My mom continued, gathering bottles upon bottles from potions cabinets and stocked drawers. "But it is worth a shot, don't you think Georgie?"
My eyes never left Blakely.
"Brilliant" I muttered.
Blakely was dead.
There was no bringing her back to life.
The only thing this would do is prolong my misery.
Getting my hopes up so they can crash right back down.
"Ok then, now pop her mouth open dear" Mum instructed, holding a black flask over the table.
I did as told.
Parting Blakely's lips, her mouth formed an O shape and mum tipped a small amount of liquid in.
"Alright, that was Draught of Living Death. It will put any part of her that may be clinging on into a sleep state, causing that part to pull back into consciousness" 
Mum explained, finally capturing my attention.
"So, if any part of Blakely's spirt is still holding on, it will come back to her body?"
"With some help" Mum answered, holding up another bottle from the pile.
My heart kick started, beating a hundred miles per minute. 
Who cares if I was getting my hopes up? 
Mum has saved her life before, she can do it again. 
"Lung Clearing Potion, to hopefully get her breathing back" 
She dumped a few swigs into Blakes mouth before picking up another bottle..
"Star Grass Salve, fix any internal and external injuries in a pinch" 
This could work.
This could actually work. 
"Girding Potion, for some extra endurance. Vitax, give her some energy to get her blood pumping. Lastly, a little Revive and Wide-Eye potion to get her up and at em" Mum sat the last of the bottles down and patted her hands together.
Nothing happened.
"Why isn't it working?" I questioned, my mind spinning all over again.
"It depends on the person George, it could be hours, days, months, before we see results. If this does work, it's going to be a long process" 
But what  type of life or afterlife was that?
Half dead, holding on to the promise of life that may never come.
"So what are we supposed to do? Just keep her locked away in a room somewhere, waiting for something that may never happen? We shouldn't have done this. We should have just left her dead. She was at peace. She wouldn't have wanted this, this cocktail of potions being shoved down her throat for what? A 40% chance that maybe, there is a piece of her still there. Id rather morn her the way she was, then this" I stated through clenched teeth. 
We were being selfish.
Just because we wanted her here with us didn't mean she should have to endure a painful, slow, recovery process. 
She was at peace.
Now what? 
Neither of us are.
Mum opened her mouth to speak.
But closed it.
She knew I was right.

Seconds later the door swung open to reveal Dad, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Bill, and Charlie.
I looked at Rons face, watching the emotion change from disbelief to grief. 
Aside from myself, Fred and Ron were probably the ones who would take this the hardest. 
Ron was the first Wizard Blakely ever met.
He was friends with Blakely even before Fred and I. 
"How did it happen" Ron stated, clenching his fist to his side. 
"She was found.....under a pile of rubble" I stated, knowing the real question on his mind. "We aren't sure who caused it"
"I swear I'll find them and curse them t........."Ron started
Hermione stopped him from going any further.
"Ron" She whispered, fresh tears running down her cheeks. She wrapped him into a sad embrace.
Dad held Ginny the same way.
Like everything would be ok.
And Bill.
Bill looked at me knowing, I would never be ok.
Silence filled the room as nothing was said.
Nothing could be said.
Hearing footsteps echoing through the empty corridor, I braced myself knowing it had to be Fred.
But as they turned the corner I noticed the curly mop of hair and rolled my eyes, Percy.
"Fred's up, He's awake and is in a right state" 
The look in his eyes was alarming which caught me off guard. 
Percy worried about Fred? 
He must be sick.
"Whatcha mean?" Bill asked, giving Percy the same confused look I had.
"Well, he's....just.....not, come see for yourself" Percy stuttered, walking out of the room and back to the Hospital wing.
I stood.
"What about Blakely?" 
Turning to Mum, she was already half way out the door with the others. 
"Oh dear, we'll leave her here for now. Lock up and we'll be back" 
Just leave her here?
How could I?
Every bone in my body was screaming out "NO, DON'T MOVE" but did I even have a choice?
My brother, my twin brother was awake and alive in the hospital wing.
I should be sprinting toward Madam Pomfrey's. 
Blakely was dead.
Im not leaving her behind.
Just a shell. 

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now