I Loved Her too

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We all entered the Hospital Wing following Percy's every move (For Once)
Coming up to the second to last bed, I stared at the pale, wild-eyed, boy who has never looked less like my twin in his life.
I watched as he slapped a cup of liquid out of Madam Pomfrey's hand.
Noticing the already slick floor, im guessing it wasn't the first time.
"Mr. Weasley, please stop fighting me, you need your rest if you want a full recovery" She huffed, annoyed by his stubbornness.
Fred fumbled with his sheets, trying to break free. 
"You don't understand! I need to go back! I NEED TO GO!" He yelled. 
His face was puffy and red, tears streaked his cheeks and blood matted the back of his head. 
I could confidently say, I was the better looking twin.
"What exactly happened?" I whispered, looking to Percy for guidance.
Glancing back at Fred, He grabbed the bridge of his nose. 
"I just turned round and there he was laying on the ground, unconscious. Minutes before, we were talking, laughing, and fighting with umm.... Blakely and next thing I know, nothing." He explained.
I cringed.
Even her name being mentioned cut through me like a knife. 
How long will this last? 
This sadness. 
Till the day I die?
I suppose, it only seems fair. 
The wail reverberated off the walls making it echo through out the room. 
Everyone looked at the sniveling mess that uttered the shriek. 
and that is when I realized.
Fred was the last person to see Blakely alive. 
and he knew it too.
His eyes were weary with the fatigue that sadness brought
Sorrow seeped out of his mouth with each word, each syllable.
Guilt was etched on his face. 
"It's all my fault, I killed her!" He cried out, "Blakely is dead and It's because of me"
He wracked his hands through his hair violently.
Holding his head afraid it might explode under the weight of all the shame.
I stayed quiet.
Even if I could find the words to speak, I knew my mouth would never be able to utter a sound. 
I couldn't even look at him never the less form a complete sentence.
My own brother.
My twin.
"She knew it, she knew she was going to die but she still pushed me out of the way!" Fred yelled, punching his fist hard against the mattress.
Mum was already at his side.
"Fred, it's fine love. You couldn't have stopped it" She cooed, rubbing his back gently. 
Fred shrugged her away.
"George, she knew. She knew all along I would be the reason.....and I couldn't have.....I couldn't have stopped it George. Please, believe me." He directed his attention toward me and suddenly, I was very interested in my shoes.
How could I ever forgive him when all I wanted to do was ring his neck?
If he would have just left her alone.....
If he just wouldn't have been such a bloody pest.
She would still be alive.
He craved attention.
Even during the fight of our lives, he still needed it.
The distractions.
And she paid for it.
" I didn't even know until she knocked me back. It was to late. George Please, I didn't even want it! I never asked for it! If it was up to me, id be dead right now. How am I supposed to live with this? You loathing me the rest of my life. Knowing I was the reason she died. George? Say something."
The room fell silent.
"I loved her too you know! I bloody loved her too! You aren't the only person who lost someone! She was my Best Friend!" He screamed at me. 
and he was right.
Blakely was his Best Friend.
He confided in her on more than one occasion. 
Asked for her advice and opinion on many things I just couldn't help him with.
They were inseparable at times.
and that always made me a bit jealous.
I looked up at my brother, the tears on his face matched the ones now streaming down mine. 
The lose we were feeling was the same.
I didn't need twin telepathy to figure that out.
Standing up, Fred closed the gap between us and wrapped me in a bone crunching hug.
Seems like mums been giving out lessons. 
Returning the gesture, I let myself rejoice in the fact that I did still have my twin brother. 
"She's gone Freddie"
"Im so sorry Georgie" He stated, letting go. 
I shrugged, wiping the few stray tears away from my eyes.
"She knew I wouldn't be able to live without you. No matter how much of a git you are" I chuckled sadly. 
Fred gave me a concerned look.
"Yeah but can you live without her?" 
I shook my head.
Leave it to Fred to ask the tough questions when school wasn't in session. 
"Im going to have to" 


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