Worth Nothing

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"Alright, we checked all the Hospital rooms, The Astronomy tower, well what's left of the tower, and the common room" Ginny stated, ticking the locations off on her fingers. 
"We checked with all the ghosts, even Peeves, no sign of her, most of the Professors, and even a few Hufflepuffs" I added.
"We could always go check the courtyard again?" Ginny offered, hopeful as always.
I shook my head.
"We looked everywhere possible" I groaned. 
"Ah! What about the Bathrooms?" 
"Myrtal already checked"
My patience was wearing thin.
Patience that was holding me together.
Keeping me cool, calm, and collected. 
Keeping me from being a complete wreck.
"She's just  gone" I growled, frustration picking away at my facade. 
"Oi! Don't even start George. You are just upset. How about we go back to the Great Hall? Maybe Mum and them have heard something" Ginny's scolding calmed me down. 
Like mother like daughter.
I suppose she has a point.
She probably was forced to apperate somewhere or go into hiding. 
She was still alive. If she wasn't, we would have found her by now.
Walking down the beat up stairs toward those big familiar doors, I spotted a group of 5 people rushing about the ruble. 
Neville and Luna were still there as I saw them before, except frantic.
They must have called for help because Seamus, Dean, and Cho Chang where now aiding the couple.
Dean and Cho were sending rocks back with a flick of their wands while Seamus pushed them away with his hands like Neville. 
Hitting the landing, I watched Luna as she sobbed next to the pile, her once so dreamy voice coming out sad and shrill. 
Moving a few steps closer I was able to see a body poking out of the debris.
Now instead of just a hand, I noticed there was a head and shoulders free. 
Luna was leaning over the body, clutching that small hand. 
"How much more time do we have?" I heard Dean question, obviously worried. 
Luna snapped her head up, glaring daggers.
"Enough" She hissed.
She looked down at the body, stroking it's head. 
"We aren't going to leave you, We'll get you out, I promise" 
Her whimpered whisper echoed through the Hall.
I never have seen Luna, so, so sad.
Looking at Seamus's face as well, I could tell his heart was quite torn. 
"Oi! You guys need some help?" I asked, already striding toward them. 
Cho looked back at my approaching figure, a gasp escaping her lips. Dean followed her gaze. 
"George........" Luna wrapped her arms around me tight, pulling away her mouth was still moving but not a sound came out.
I was close enough now, close enough to tell that couldn't have been anyone else's hand. 
Time slowed. 
Voices were muted as my ears rang, my body going into shock.
It cut through me like a knife.
My heart ache, heavy in my chest.
God it hurt, it hurt so bad.
Even though the body was face down on the stone floor, it was obvious who it was. 
It was obvious .
Skin pale.
Body unmoving.
Laying there.
Why her? 
Why not me! 
I should have protected her! I should have done something! 
Damnit, I should have been there!
Because none of this, none of it is worth anything if I can't share it with her.
"No...." I whispered.
"What?" Luna asked, still standing in front of me.
Stepping around her, I started shoveling stone back with Seamus. 
Her torso was exposed as I kept pushing the rubble at a force full speed.
Luna laid her hand on my shoulder.
"George, she's........she's gone" 
I stopped.
My heart would have felt like it was being ripped out of my chest just then but it didn't.
It should have but It wasn't true.
Because Id never let myself believe it.
"She is right here" I growled, shrugging her hand off.
Plowing the remainder of rock away I was able to pull her small limp body out. 
Flipping her over onto her back, my breath caught in my throat.
She looked so peaceful.
I watched as water started to drip down onto her face splattering across her pale cheeks. 
The same ones that would get rosy red after we'd share a laugh or two......or three.
The way she'd look at me like I was mental with those big hazel eyes, begging me to make a muck out of myself.
And I always would.
God, those eye could make me do anything.
Even if she'd curse me to the moon and back, call me a bloody idiot, swear she'd never speak to me again, I always knew i could win those big hazel eyes back eventually.
I let my tears fall, unashamed, as reality sunk in.
We all knew what we were sacrificing today. 
Looking back down at Blakely, I let out a sad chuckle.
"  I never gave up did I? After all this time, I never gave up on us. You never had a chance in hell with me always by your side. Scaring all the other sad mucks away just so this sad muck could have you all to himself" I sniffled, smiling down at that familiar face I have adored for so many long years. "We had the best of times. You, Freddie, and I. We knew you were brilliant the moment we met you and I knew you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me as soon as I grabbed your hand and we ran through the platform. You remember that day? I told you were the only girl I knew who was that cool and still looked like a girl. The only one I thought I could be friends with. To be honest, you were the only one I wanted to be around because you were the only one that mattered."
My heart took over. 
It spoke the words that only death could bring out.
The truth.
People gathered around us but none of them mattered.
Nothing mattered.
My body went numb.
Doing it's job.
Protecting me from the shock.
Apparently though, it never anticipated the extent of my heartbreak because I could feel it.
My world caving in.
My future rewriting itself.
Extracting the chapters of my life where Blakely would have been and leaving blank pages behind.
My past slowly morphing into dreams as Blakely's existence on this Earth was fading.
One day only being a girl I used to know.
I winced my eyes shut.
When will this end?
This pain consuming me, eating every last bit of who I am or was or ever will be because without Blakely, who am I?
I was going to marry her. 
I was going to have a life with her.
"Blakely........................" I heard a small whisper break through the silence. 
She was only feet away close enough to be able to see the tears running down her face.
Her hand quivered as she pointed at the lifeless body in my lap.
"Why isn't she awake George? Wake her up" 
I wish it was that simple.
"I-ii..." I stuttered.
"WAKE HER UP GEORGE! DO SOMETHING!" Ginny screamed, collapsing onto the floor next to me. 
Reaching out her hand, she grasped Blakely's cold one.
Only to drop it.
The truth was too much.
"Ginny dear? I thought I heard......" 
My eyes were the first ones to meet our mothers. 
Her hands covered her mouth.
She didn't even need to look down to know, my life has ended. 
Rushing forward, she snapped me out of my trance.
"George, you and Blakely will follow me. Ginny, you inform everyone that we found Blakely and to meet us in the potions room as soon as humanly possible"  

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now