Ello Mates

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"He's going be fine?" I asked again, standing to my full height.
"He'll be fine my dear, up and around just in time for the wedding" Mr. Weasley assured, pushing me and everyone else toward the stairs.
"Ginny, make sure Blakely gets cleaned up and settled in. We all have had a trying day"
It was hard walking up the steps and away from George.
I just wanted him to know I was there, that everything was going to be ok.
Stepping into the shower, not even the warm water could calm my nerves.
After changing into my pajamas, I layed down in my old bed, in my old room at The Burrow as if things never changed.
If only that were true.

"Little boy! Its 11 o'clock" Fred chortled in my ear.
Rolling over, I gave him a tight lidded glare.
"The infamous Fred Weasley waking me up without a prank? What's wrong? Are you sick?" I smirked up at his tall form
"Ha! Very funny Miss Carter but I thought Id let you know a certain earless twin is up and Id like to have a little fun. So if you dont mind turning yourself into that lovely blonde I met last night, lets put on a show" He stated, dropping my wand ontop of the covers.
I rolled my eyes in disapprovale.
"It's not going to work. He already saw me last night, remember?"
"I do, but he doesnt" Fred raised an eyebrow giving me that evil grin of his.
I caved
"Fine. Get out, ill be down" I groaned, shooing him out the door.
"Might as well have a little fun" I whispered, grabbing the wand from my bed.
Stating the simple spell as I did everyday, my apperance no longer showed a sleepy Blakely Carter. Instead, I was the sassy blonde Charlie.
Satisfied with the transformation, I quickly made my way down the steps and into the kitchen.
However, Fred, and George were arriving the same time as me to witness the event taking place.
"Morning" George winked at Harry and Ginny.
We all just walked into their first kiss.
"Oh Harry, im so sorry." I flustered
"It's fine" Harry chuckled, following Ginny, where ever she scurried off to.
Leaving the twins and I alone.
This should be fun.
"Morning" I stated, mimicking George.
"Morning Beautiful, how did you sleep?" Fred asked, giving me a small smile.
"Like the dead"
Walking over toward the sink George was standing in front of, I hopped up onto the counter and started opening cabinet doors.
"Where are the bowls?" I asked, as if I didnt know.
"Here" George handed me one from the dish drainer.
"Thank you" I smiled, now noticing the toothbrush he had poking out of his head.
"So big Ginger, how's the head?"
"Whats that?" He screamed, brining his head closer to me.
"I said, Fred is better looking!" I yelled
George shook his head, "Nah, that wasnt it"
Pouring some ceral in my bowl, I crossed my legs on the counter top and picked at the sweet, crunchy bits.
Now sitting across from Fred, George was stairing, at me. 
Catching his gaze, he cleared his throat.
"So Charlie? Right, Charlie? Whats your last name?" 
"Charlotte Waters, call me Charlie seeing as how thats my name" I winked as Fred stiffled a chuckle.
"Where are you from? Did you attend Hogwarts?" 
Wow he was really quizing me.
"Do you ask this many questions on a first date?"
Georges face turned bright red.
"Arent you just a little too keen?" I grinned, popping another piece of ceral in my mouth.
Before either of us could say another word, Mrs. Weasley walked through the front door looking flustered.
After taking one good look at the 3 of us, she was even more unpleased.
"The wedding is in less then 3 hours and none of you are dressed? Your brother only gets married once!" She scolded.
Rummedging through the junk drawer under the sink, she pulled out her wand and turned on us.
"Ready and downstairs in one hour! I mean it!" She warned.
"On it Mrs. Weasley" I stated, popping off the counter and placing my bowl in the sink.
"That is mum to you missy!" Coming over, she wrapped me into a big hug.
I missed her hugs
"Change back for the wedding my dear, you are safe here" she whispered.
Pulling away, I gave her a small smile and nodded my head. 
Walking back toward the door, she turned once more.
"One hour!" She screamed, letting the door slam shut behind her.

I turned and looked at the twins, this only meant one thing.
Apperating out of the kitchen, i landed with a pop in the 2nd floor bathroom.
The only bathroom.
Hearing pounding coming up the steps, I creaked the door open and peaked my head out.
"Honestly, the muggle way? You guys are so easy, its no fun" I called down the hall.
Shutting the door and locking it, i pulled out my wand; changing back into myself, i smiled at the person in the mirror.
We go way back.
Turning the water on in the shower, i stripped my clothes and hopped in. 
Although the water was warm and i wanted to stay in thereforever.
I had a wedding to attend.
Finishing up, i grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself.
"Im finished!" I screamed, cracking the door slightly beforeapperating to my room

Landing on my bed, the sheets scattered to the floor. I have no time to pick them up. I've got, 40 minutes? 40!
Wand drying my hair, i brushed my long brown waves back in place.
Already applying my makeup, i went for my usaual look.
I missed this look.
It really did feel good to get dressed up for a change. Going over to the closet I already knew the perfect outfit.
Pulling my long sleeve, royal blue lace dress from the hanger, I hugged it close to me.
Hello old friend.
Sliping the soft fabric over my head, i let the dress lay over my body.
The sleeves were skin tight as well as the bodice until it hit slightly about my belly button where it fanned out into a circle skirt.
Grabbing my white high heels, i place them on my small feet.
They made my tan legs look a few miles long as I watched myself twirl in the mirror.
My hip length brown waves followed the flow of the skirt as if, it too was enjoying my formal getup.
To hell with the ragetty.
"Charlie, if you dont hustle we are leaving you with Mum" Fred stated from the otherside of my door.
"Unless you want us to come in?"
"Which we will" George finished.
"Is that a threat?" I challenged, my heels clicking against the floor boards as I walked toward the door. "Sadly though, there is no Charlie here, just me"
Swinging the door open, I grinned up at the twins.
"Ello Mates"
As always, Fred was the first to speak.
"Lovely as always my dearest Blake"
Picking me up, Fred speezed and jostled me around till I was dizzy and breathless. He sat me back down on my feet catching on to the glare that was radiating from my eyes.
Now was the moment, that in my mind, was going to be magical.
Finally seeing George as myself, Blakely, for the first time in 1 year.
I turned my head and crossed my arms.
"Oh shut it Fred, Ive had enough of you for the year" I grinned, stairing at George's dumbstruck face. "But not enough of that"
I swiftly wrapped my arms around George's middle and layed my head on his chest.
Thankfully, he returned the hug.
Maybe it wasn't to late to salvage our friendship.
"Last night, when I didn't see you with everyone after the flight. I went bloody mental" I let out a sad chuckled as I choked on my words.
George pulled away.
"Why go as Charlie?"
I groaned letting my forehead fall on his chest.
I hate having to explain it.
It's really quite simple to figure out.
"Death Eaters are after me, George. Just like Harry"
This time, I felt George's arms wrap around me. Holding me tight.
Just like he used to do.
"We have a wedding to get to! As long as Mum doesn't hex us first" Fred stated, grabbing my arm.
Pulling George and I apart.

Entering the kitchen, Mrs. Weasley was already there wait for us.
"Oh Blakely dear, you look darling" She chirped, fawning over me.
"OI! What about us!" Fred stated, fixing his white bowtie.
"Oh  you boys are very handsome, for once"
I giggled.
Stick it to em Molly.
Turning back to me, a piece of paper flew right into her hand.
"Now Blakely, here is a list of people who need seated. It's all family so dont be nervous, they are outside waiting"
Thrusting the parchment into my hand, I was pushed out the door.

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now