Weasley's Wheezes

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Blakely's P.O.V
The sun shinned brightly through my closed lids causing me to wince and roll over.
What a lovely way to wake up.
Blinking a few times, I cleared my vision enough to read the face on the wall clock.
11:00 AM
Oh wow.
I guess Fred was right, I did need sleep.
Slipping out from under the cover, I padded my way over  to a pile of clothes on the dresser that weren't there before.
I read the note ontop.
"Picked them up last night"
Weird.....I didn't know Fred could spell.
Unfolding the long sleeve purple dress and black tights, I smiled.
Two dresses in a row? And my bag? 
I could get used to his.
Changing, I pulled on the skin tight dress and black tights. Running George's brush through my hair, it hung down in waves as always.
I applied a simple amount of makeup before leaving the room.
"IM IMPRESS......." 
I started to call out before I realized, the apartment was empty.
The only thing left was a plate on the kitchen table. 
Inspecting it, there were 2 eggs and a fork sitting atop.
and another note.
"Had to open the shop, Enjoy"
Yeah, im impressed.
Taking a seat at the table, i cut up the eggs and quickly ate.
I wanted to see Weasley's Wizard Wheezes up and running.
Slipping on a pair of black flats out of my bag I hurried out the door.

And boy was it ever up and running.
Children, teenagers, and even parents filled the huge two story shop.
Everyone was gazing up at the high shelves gawking at the brilliant colorful packages and displays.
Candies, tarts, potions, kits, and powders that made you disappear, sick, fall in love, sleep. 
You name it, they had it.
I took small steps around the upper floor, just as enticed by their products as everyone else. 
Turning a corner, I almost knocked over a big yellow bin. 
Reading the sign over head it said, Magic 8 balls, Real Answers, Real Fast.
Picking the top one up I shook it.
"Did Fred and George steal this idea from me?"
Looking into the clear window, the dark smoke inside swirled around soon forming the word "Yes"
Of coarse they did.
"Does Neville fancy me?"
Shaking it again, the smoke spelled out "Indeed"
HA! Knew it!
Im so going to take the mickey out of him when I see him next.
Throwing the ball back in, I walked over to the stair railing and looked down upon the first floor.
People flooded in through the entrance and not one left empty handed.
Scanning over the packed room, my eyes made contact with an unruly tuff of red hair.
Found you.
Skipping down the steps, I fought my way through the first floor toward Fred.
"You are being so nice to me.......Why are you being so nice to me?" I accused, a smirk on my lips.
As he turned around however, my smirk slowly turned into a frown.
Dogs Ballocks, he is really going to get it.
Opening my mouth to speak, George quickly put his hand over my lips.
"I see you found the clothes I brought you, Lovely. And im going to assume you ate, unless Fred went back and snatched the eggs up. If so, good luck finding anything else up there"
Taking his hand away from my face, he fished around in his pocket.
Pulling out my wand.
He went back home for it?
"And I think this belongs to you" Holding it out toward me, I grabbed it out of his hands.
But why?
After everything.
After everything he said to me, why bother helping me?
He made it very clear how he felt about me.
"Why?" I stated, looking down at my wand.
"Why!" I  snapped, glaring at his confused expression.
He let out an airy chuckle.
"Well you were complaining about not having it, so there it is..."
"No George! Why did you even bother? you made it quiet clear how horrid I am last night. Why do all this now?" I hissed.
We can't keep doing this. 
It isn't fair.
To me or him.
Giving me a blank look, George shifted his gaze to the shoppers staring as they passed by.
Looking anywhere but at me.
"Not here" He whispered, turning me around.
Everyone was looking at us.
What? Haven't they saw a couple of people fight before?
Pushing me toward the steps, their gaze followed. 
God people, shows over. Get a life.
"George, why is everyone staring?" I muttered, this is really starting to creep me out.
"They aren't, they are staring at you" Fred stated, running up behind us.
Taking a hold of my hand, Fred dragged me away from George and quickly into the apartment.
"What do you mean,  me?" I questioned.
Throwing the door open in George's room, Fred came back with an arm full of clothes.
"Open your bag" He ordered.
Groaning, I opened the flap and watched as Fred shoved in a pile.
"What is going on?" I sighed, watching as Fred just went back into his twins room.
Ticking off his fingers, he was throwing things at me left and right.
A bag of bread pegged me in the face.
He stopped.
About bloody time.
"You are going to tell me what is happening, right now"
Standing stoke still, my hands trembled slightly.
But he just walked into the bathroom.
Why cant he just stand still for one bleeding second?
Coming back out, he held a mirror up to my face.
"What do you see?"
I stared at the reflection. 
"Well, me. I see me" I stammered.
Dropping the mirror, Fred let the glass crack and break.
"Exactly" He hissed.
He was angry.
At me?
Fred was never angry.
Especially not at......
Oh my god.
I am me.
"Now, we need to go now. Ready Fred?"
George burst through the door and grabbed ahold of my arm. 
"Ready George" Fred nodded.
No, he can't do his. He just cant!
"No! I wont let you!" I screamed, trying to fight against George's grasp.
"See you" Fred started.
"Not if I see you first" George winked. 
The last thing I saw was Fred's gaze shift toward mine before George apperated us.

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now