Lucky Shot

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The bolder from which I was hiding behind was tossed into the ocean like a small peddle. 

Spinning around, i threw my wand up and screamed "Stupefy!"

My attacker was sent back three feet, landing with a thud. 

"I think that's 10 for me and 1 for you" I calculated, walking over to a defeated George.

He insisted I needed to practice my defensive spells.

Even though it was 40 degrees out and I was kicking his Weasley butt; He was relentless.

"Lucky shot" He mumbled, standing up and brushing himself off.

"Weird how you said that the other 9 times" I chuckled, "Obviously, im ready so it makes sense to just, I don't know, go inside"

Just as a gust of wind blew past my body wracked with the shivers and shakes.

George rolled his eyes.


Thank Godric, I thought I was going to have to beg.

Hurrying up the path to the long set of stairs leading up the hill, my foot barely left the sand before I heard the word,


Flipping backward, I landed faceup.

The stairs breaking my fall.

What the hell was that?

Propping myself up onto my elbows, I winced in pain"

"Petrificus Totalus"

My body became stiff.


The only thing I could do was watch George walk up to my side.

I was speechless

and not just because I couldn't talk.

To duel with another wizard behind their back was unheard of.

and frankly, just plain rude.

"Death Eaters are not going to play by the rules Blake, Remember that" George stated, emotionless.


I could feel my muscles loosen at his word.

I gasped for a breath of cool air.

"What.....the fuck......George. You could have warned me" I panted, grabbing at my now soar back.

His expression turned, angry?

Why was he so mad?

If anyone should be mad, it's me!

"No warnings. A death eater won't before he murders you" He yelled loud enough for the whole island to hear.

I was furious.

"Ive fought Death Eaters before George, 5th year, without your help" I retorted.

He smirked, obviously thinking it was funny.

"Yeah and look where that got you, bleeding out dead on siruis's table"

I cringed at the memory his harsh words brought.

this wasnt tough love

it was just tough to take.

"well at least I stayed and didn't run away" I sneered, brushing past him and up the rest of the steps.

"Coming from the girl who made running away and hiding her job" He yelled at my back.

Throwing the door open to the cabin, I didn't look back.

I wasn't about to entertain his question with an answer. 

There was still bad feelings between us, that was evident. 

Maybe there always would be.

Hanging my mustard pea coat over the sofa, I kicked my small black boots off at the door. 

"I heard slamming, who's fighting who" Fred asked with excitement.

"George and I, care to place a bet?" I groaned, flopping down onto the couch.

"Trouble in Paradise?" Fred grinned, sitting down next to me.

"You have a weird definition of Paradise" I muttered, "He just, says things that, I could just curse him for. He acts like I am a bother to him."

Fred gave me a reassuring smirk.

"He gets frustered with himself because he can't protect you as well as he'd like to. Blakely, George is madly in love with you. It's quite annoying actually" 

I laughed.

"He has a funny way of showing it" 

"What can I say, he's not me" Fred stretched his arm over the top of the sofa.

"Well thank god for that" I added, punching him in the side.

We continued on like that for a few hours, mucking about like old times.

It was nice


It pains me to say it but, I missed this.

Fred and I cracking on each other. 

Best mates.

"Oi! ENOUGH ENOUGH!"I laughed loudly, "Im going to get changed and then make us some dinner. Don't say I never did anything for ya" 

Fred held his stomach as his fit of giggles subsided. 

"But I can say you've never given me a decent meal" He retorted.

Sticking my tongue out quickly, I hurried into the room George and I shared the other night.

Stripping my warm sweaters and jeans, I pulled on a simple purple long sleeve V-neck top and flared out darkgreen sweatpants that fit my form. 

Slipping on a pair of mocassins and throwing my waving hair into a loose pony tail I went back to the living room in search of Fred.

Instead I was met with 2 other Weasley's.

"It's time Blake" Charlie stated, being the first to speak. 

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now