Cold Cabin

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With his hand in mine, George and I waltzed around just like all the happy couples.
We kind of, actually, fit in.
"Im impressed, this coming from the guy who gave me a black eye the first time he tried putting his arm around me" Looking up, I could see his skin turn a bright shade of crimson.
There's the old Georgie I know.
"You made me nervous" He stated.
And to tell you the truth, he didn't even sound embaressed or ashamed.
"Well, it was only 2nd year"
We were quite young.
Ages ago.
Why did it never feel that long?
"Well, you still do"
Now it was my turn to beat red.
"Oh, look who is embaressed now" He smirked, obviously happy with himself.
That stupid smirk.
God, I missed that stupid smirk on that stupid face.
Stupid George.
Stupid Love.
"George" I need to tell him before all this makes me, well, stupid.
"May I cut in?"
Cameron, the last person on this planet I ever wanted to see again already had ahold of my waist.
What made him think id ever want to spend my time with him?
"Uh, Sure, I'll be, back" George mumbled, disapearing into the crowd.
Wow George.
Way to look out, ol buddy, ol pal.
Grabbing my hand, Cameron pulled me close.
After a couple minutes of silence, he finally spoke.
"Ive seen you, you know? Blakely Carter, or should I say, Black"
I stepped back
"What are you getting at Weasley?"
Before I could even get down to the bottom of what was going through that trouser snakes punny little mind, silence filled the room.
A shiny silver orb ruptured through the tent.
"The Ministry has fallen. They are coming"
And as quick as it came, it left.
Bringing fire, chaos, and most improtantly Death Eaters.
I was shocked
I couldnt move
I couldnt breath
Forcing myself to stummble throught the mess of people, I haven't felt this vulnerable in monthes.
Because, I was finally me.
Why didnt I just stay as I was?
I let my guard down.
Rule #1.
Seeing Fred a few feet in front of me, he noticed me as well.
"We need to get you out of here, now" Reaching for my arm, I pulled it back.
"What about George?" I screamed over the noise
"He can take care of himself. He'll be fine" Trying to grab ahold of me again, I stepped away, shaking my head.
It wasn't right.
"Together or not at all" I stated,
I wasn't going to leave him.
After everything, I wasnt going to just run away from him again.
"You stubborn..." Fred trailed off, "Fine, yes, we'll find George"
Following Fred through the crowd, Death Eaters were everywhere.
But thankfully so were the Weasley's
Calling George's name over and over again.
Fred was a good ways ahead of me when it happened.
The feeling of arms wrapping around me, pulling me back.
Flashbacks started to run through my head.
The World Cup
Death Eaters
Fred, racing ahead of me
Death Eater grabbing me
Fred couldn't save me
Cheating Death
My heart Stopped
I screamed murder
This wasn't happening to me again, I didn't waste monthes of my life to just get caught now.
Fred spun around, eyes wide as saucers.
And that is the last thing I saw before apperating.
The next thing I felt was, wet.
Wet sand, the surf washing over me.
The smell of salt water hung in the thick air.
I was on a beach.
I was running.
As fast as I could.
I dont know where I am.
I just know, I need to keep running.
For my life.
Because it depended on it.
The footsteps behind me were quick and growing closer.
My legs burned and my throat grew tight.
I couldn't speed up, even if I wanted to.
My feet pounded into the sand as my last attempt at freedom grew weaker and weaker by the second.
Tripping, I skidded across the wet sand.
"Don't you dare move" The figure commanded, rushing to my side.
His name ripped through my heart
Relief washed over me like the small waves of the ocean.
I scrambled to my feet as fast as my worn out legs would take me.
"I thought you were a Death Eater!"
Wrapping my arms around his neck, tears of joy leaked from my eyes.
"You really think id let one get ahold of you?" He chuckled, holding me tight.
"I thought id never find you!" I muttered, as he set me back on my feet.
"You rushed right past me because you have bloody horrid eyesite. I wasnt thinking, I just  knew I had to get you out of there. To keep you safe."
I chuckled a sad little laugh, "George, it's not your job to save me"
"Are you kidding? Ive been doing it this long, i think ive gotten quite good at it." He smiled down at me.
Suddenly my grin turned into a frown, reaching out i felt his suit jacket.
"How come you ended up so dry? Where'd you land?"
"Bout half a mile up from where you were. To be fair, you did put up a fight"
Ringing the water from my hair and dress, I glared up at him.
"I thought you were a Death Eater" I grummbled, "Where are we exactly?"
Ive been to plently of beaches before, but never this one.
"Parents cabin" He stated, pointing toward a small building in the distance.
My teeth chattered as the wind kicked up.
Bloody fantastic.
George gave me a silly look as he shrugged off his coat.
"Lets get you inside popsicle"
Wrapping the jacket around my shoulder, he lead me up the beach.

Opening the door to the small wooden cabin, I hurried inside and kicked my shoes off.
That is the last time I get chased in heels.
My feet hit the cold floor immediatly letting the shivers set back in.
"Oi Weasley, you're a guy, build a fire or something" I chattered, searching the empty kitchen cupboards for a towel of some sort.
I was damp and sand was in all the wrong places.
"Carter, heads up!"
Spinning around, a towel hit my face. Followed by a long sleeve T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants.
"Please tell me these aren't Freds. I don't want to be picking week old tarts out of the pockets" I gagged, holding the bundle of cloth in my arms.
"No they are mine, I think you went through enough tonight"
Zapping wood into the fireplace, George turned and smiled.
"Bathroom is the 2nd door on the right"
I smiled back
"I'll just be a mo"
Following the hallway back, I reached the second door and turned in.
Shutting the doorbehind me, I peered in the mirror.
A brush burn lined my face from landing on the wet sand but that wasn't what made me stare in confusion.
George was being nice to me and he may have very well saved my life.
The girl who broke his heart.
The girl with the broken life.
What did I expect?
It was always George.
Turning the water on, I slipped the wet garment off my body and hopped in the shower.
What was I suppose to do now?
Act like things weren't slightly odd between us?
Like things never changed?
Cleaning up, thoughts and feelings were running up through my head and down to my hearts over and over again on a loop.
Even after I shut the water off and got dressed the sensation of surprise still had not left.

"I feel like such a muggle..." Walking back toward the small living room I stopped mid-sentance.
George was there, sitting on the floor, back against the raggidy old coach.
Shirt untucked, bowtie gone, and sleeves rolled up.
He was poking at the fire which had already heated up the room.
Emotions started to come up like a bad penny.
Two of the greatest evils.
Sensing my stare, George turned his head and gave me a curious look.
I was caught.
"Oh, no bowtie? Im disapointed, you looked so dapper" I teased, hoping he would write my staring off as anything but that, staring.
Going to curl up on the coach, I sat on the cushion behind his head.
"Love a Weasley in a suit"
"I know, you couldn't take your eyes off Fred all night"
"I only have eyes for one particular twin" I smiled to myself.
I guess it is true what they say about the truth, it will set you free.
"Cameron? You're kidding right?" George chuckled, back still turned.
"He wasn't the one wearing the blue bowtie" I stated.
Silence followed.
What was I doing?
I had my chance with George already.
Mindless flirting means nothing now.
When will I ever learn to shut my mouth?
"1 year, Blakely" George scoffed, his voice was cold as ice as he stared into the burning flames.
"I haven't seen you in 1 bloody year. No one even knew if you were alive, if you even survived the summer monthes!"
Standing up, George was far from over.
"Not 1 letter! Not even to Mum! She was worried sick! We all were! What did you think? That no one would notice? Please Blakely, You aren't that daft"
Now it was my turn to be enraged.
Before he could get another word out, I was on my feet as well.
"I was being hunted, George! I still am! Death Eaters are after me like this is some kind of sick game. They will do anything to turn me over to the Dark Lord. You think I wanted to hide away? Be a different person? Loose myself, my family, my friends? Please George, you arent that daft" I sneered
I didnt need to defend myself.
"You didn't need to do it alone either! I could have helped, we all could have! Instead, I bloody waited for you because im thick. 1 year on a girl who never even bothered to phone" He spat his words at me like knives, each one cutting a little deeper.
But it only made me angrier.
"Everything I did, I did for you!" I screamed "So  don't you dare talk to me about waiting 1 stinking year! Because that is nothing, nothing, compaired to giving you up! I have to wake up every morning knowing I am alone, knowing I choose to lose you because id rather you be safe then be mine. You didnt lose me, I gave you up!"
Tears streamed down my cheeks as I screamed those last words.
The ones that emptied my heart.
I wasn't me without him.
How could he not see that?
"I never asked you to wait for me, I never asked for any of this. I did what I needed to do and I wont apologize for it and I sure as hell wont stand here and get scolded for it either"
Walking over to the door, I felt Georges gaze follow.
"Well...I suppose, thank you for everything you did tonight but I can take it from here"
I nodded my head before opening the door and walking out of the cabin.
And away from George.

The cold night air whipped around me.
Where was I supposed to go now?
Harry, Ron, and Hermione could be anywhere.
The Burrow is over run by Death Eaters.
The Weasley's are my only family and they were all scattered halfway across London by now.
I had no wand, no supplies, and most important no where to go.
If Fred didnt end up here, he must have.....
Of coarse!
Why didnt I think of that before.
Hearing the door clank behind me, i turned to see George following my few footsteps.
Footsteps that would end short.
Because I had already apperated.

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