A Wonderful Weasley Wedding

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The front yard was a sea of ginger headed Weasley's and I had to seat them all.
Walking up to the front of the large cluster, I tried my best to get everyone's attention.
"Hello! Hello, excuse me, Excuse me!" I screamed over the noise.
Are you kidding?
No one even noticed!
I feel like a mouse trying to attract a mess of giants.
At least, I attracted one.
A boy a few years older then me with strawberry blonde hair, grabbed a chair from the resecption tent and sat it at my feet.
"More Leverage" He smirked, taking my hand and motioning for me to step on.
I did.
Now towering over them, they were the mice.
"OI! Weasley Wedding Party!"
Their mouthes clamped shut.
That's what im talking about.
"Hello, my name is Blakely, call me Blake if you'd like. I'll be seating you for the ceramony. So, if you wouldnt mind starting a line, I'll get you in and ready"
Single file, just the way I like it.
Stepping off the chair, I smiled up at the tall boy in front of me.
Who suddenly doubled in a blink of an eye.
"Im Cameron, this is Caleb" My new helper stated, pointing toward his brother.
"Oh wow, I didnt know there was another set of Weasley Twins"
I was shocked and a tiny bit frightened.
"You know our cousins Fred and George then?" The one named Caleb asked.
I chuckled.
"You could say that"
They looked unimpressed.
"Too bad you didnt have the pleasure of meeting the better Weasley's" They stated together, so full of themselves.
Narcisitic Wankers.
"Oh I did" I retorted cooly, pulling out the list.
"Right this way" 
Putting on a fake smile, i lead them to their seats.
They mumbled on about me as if I wasnt even there. Going on about how I "must be Veela" and if I was "avaliable" or not.
As if.
Stopping on a dime, I pointed to the last two seats in the 5th row.
"Enjoy the service"
To think they are Weasley's

After seating all 62 of the wonderful Weasley's the wedding was almost about to start.
Actually, It should have already started.
Oh Great.
What could have possiably gone wrong now?
Peering back toward the tent flaps, I saw Ginny scurring her way down the aisle.
Right toward me.
Oh Great.
"We need you, now" She hissed, grabbing my arm.
"What the hell"
She dragged me out of the tent and clumsely through the yard where I could already hear yelling.
From the Bridal tent.
Oh Great.
I swear, im never getting married.
Ripping the flap back, Fleur was out of her seat, wrapping me in a bone crunching hug.
"oh Blakely, vank you zo very much vor doing zis vor me. You where ze verst perzon I thought ov"
I gave her a confused look.
"What am I doing?" I chuckled, already knowing whatever it was, id say yes.
"I need anozer bridez maid" She smiled, handing me a bunch of white flowers, "What do you zay?"
Could I really say no?
"I would be honored"
And with those words, Fleur went into bride mode.
I was properly terrified.
"Everyone outside and lined up! Blakely, you will be walking down with Vred. Hurry along everyone, im getting married" She declared.
We all rushed toward the cermony tent.
Who was I to keep this wedding off any longer by strolling back? This was an event of a life time.
Spotting the only red head without a partner, I glided into the space next to Fred and linked our arms.
"You trip me, I'll hex you into next week"
"You don't scare me" George whispered.
Yes, I said George.
"George!" I hissed under my breath, "Someone is going to notice  you thick dunce"
Oh he was thick, mayor of thick town on the planet thickania.
Staring straight ahead, he never met my gaze once.
"Not even our own mother can tell us apart, Blake. Besides," Snapping his fingers, the bowtie around his neck changed it's color from black to royal blue.
The same as my dress.
"Im already dressed for the part. By the way, you look beautiful. As always. Oh, as for never visiting over the summer, you can make that up to me later"
It was so matter a fact and confident the way he spoke, was this really the same George?
"Looks like we're up" nudging me out of my trance, we moved in step down the aisle together.
It's always perfect when we are paired together, not a slip of the heel or shake of the knee. He always kept me upright.
He was always there.
At the end of the aisle, about to go our seperate ways. George gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.
It was sweet and although most saw it as a kind gesture.
My heart didn't.
Beating a million times faster, I was sure it was going to spring out of my chest and confess my love for George that very second.
Consentraiting I tried to focas on the service.

It was short and beautiful.
Bill was grinning ear to ear and Fleur was even more ecstatic.
They were now walking out of that tent as Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weasley.
We all cheered.
Forget about never getting married.
I want that.
The happy ending.
"Whata you say love? You and I together, forever?"
Fred stated, running over and dipping me in the aisle as relitives passed by and "Awe'd"
"Like a nightmare" I smirked.
"Afraid you'd say that"
Before I knew what hit me, Fred put his lips on mine and gave me a long hard kiss.
Squirming out of his grasp, I wiped my mouth with my hand.
"You are vile" I exclaimed, pointing my finger at him.
"Oi! WHY IS FRED VILE? DID HE TRY TO KISS YOU AGAIN?" I heard George yell from the front of the tent.
Coming into view, I grinned
"He asked for my hand in marriage, I told him he'd have to ask for your approval"
Wrapping his arm around my waist, George peered down at me.
"Not a chance in hell. Sha'll we?"
Holding his arm out George motioned toward the exit.
"We sha'll"

George walked us over to the reception tent where the party was already in full swing.
"Remind me why we never go to parties again" I chuckled, grabbing a drink off a near by table.
"Because we are never invited to any parties. Last party we went to we blew up the birthday cake"
Finding  an empty table, George pulled my chair out for me.
"And the ice cream tubes. My hair smelled like choclate for a week and a half!" I exclaimed, as George took the seat beside me.
"Fred was always trying to lick you"
My eyes widdened "Don't remind me! He still does!"
We continued on like that for a couple hours.
But it only felt like 20 minutes.
Time flew by whenever I was with George.
It's easy, simple, no one else matters but us.
"Remember the summer after my first year, the first time I came to visit. Fred told me if I didn't climb that big pine tree by your house I wasn't man enough to be your friend?"
"Ugh, I could have killed him" George muttered, putting his head in his hands.
"I got to the 12th limb! That was so man enough"
"Blake, you fell and sprained your ankle. You layed in my bed and cried for two hours" He smirked.
"YOU WERE MAD AT ME!" I retorted.
"You listened to my idiot brother and almost killed yourself. I wasnt happy with you" He chuckled.
So, he had a point.
Standing up from my seat, I held out my hand.
"How about I make it up to you?"
"Are we going to hang Fred from the 12th limb of the Pine tree?"
"A fine idea but no, you and I are going to dance"
He gave me a pained look.
"The world doesn't end just because George Weasley Dances"

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now