Erased and Forgotten

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*George's P.O.V*
It only takes one mistake.
One slip up.
I got too cocky.
Too confident.
Now I ruined everything.
Ruined it for her.
Ruined it for me.
Ruined it for us.
The stone floor of Hogwarts kept me from slipping between the cracks of my misery. 
Why was I at Hogwarts?
It's still just summer.
Yeah, summer of my Fourth Year.
Fourth Year?
That's next year. 
Im Half way through Third Year.

*Blakely's P.O.V*
"You went down. So obviously he went up, Fred."
Fred moaned behind me, shuffling his feet up one step at a time.
"And you see why I went down? Bloody steps will be the death of me!" 
Hitting the top of the landing, I followed the corridor turn by turn.
Each one pulling at the knot in my stomach.
Growing larger as we trailed through empty hall after empty hall.
Anyone with a inkling of sense would conclude the worst.
But that's the problem when you love someone.
Common sense makes no sense at all.
Turning Right, the next set of stairs was already in view.
Trudging the short walk up to the first step, I forced my legs to do the work. 
George could be at the top. 
"I swear......" Fred started to say, huffing his words out with heavy lungs.
"I swear, I'll kill you before the steps do" I smirked, hitting the landing.
Turning around, I chuckled at the distance between us.
"You are out of shape" 
Fred leaned up against the wall, glaring at the last step.
"Im fit. Ask anyone" He huffed. 
"Anyone who is blind?" I grinned.
Stomping up the last step Fred licked his bottom lip and whispered "Jealous"
"Totally" Peering around the corner, the hall way's only occupant was the dust that hung in the air.
"It's clear" I whispered, stepping out into the open space.
"I bet George is laughing it up in the Great Hall right now" 
"If he is, Ill carry you up as many flights of stairs as you want" I laughed.
If I, Blakely Rae Carter am wrong, I will carry Fred Fatarse Weasley up an infinite amount of stairs.
Like that would ever happen.
Even if I was wrong, which Im not............

Id rather die. again.
End of discussion.
Coming to the end of the hallway, I hugged the wall close, wand in hand.
Peeking around the corner, my elbow locked in place as my eyes squinted in disdain.
I jumped from my hiding spot as his wand flew back, splitting the wood as it hit the brick wall. 
The Death Eater hung upside down by his ankle as I stalked toward him.
Like a lion hunting its prey.
"What did you do to him?"
Fire boiled my blood.
Blood that pumped through my heart.
My body.
My brain.
Every inch of me was burning.
From Fear.
From Anger.
"What the hell did you do!" I screamed, wand jammed at his throat.
The only sound that came was Fred's rushed footsteps.
The man smiled.
He smiled.
At me.
Into my eyes.
"Tell me or I swear........"
"Or what? You'll kill me? Go ahead" He sneered.
My hand shook as I pushed the wand further into his skin.
"You won't do it. You've never killed, you don't have it in you. The power, the skill, the want." 
"Blakely...." Fred called out, but i could hardly hear it. 
I was on fire.
I was burning from the inside out.
The grinding of my teeth and the negative words were the only thing my ears could comprehend.
Do it.
Kill him.
Do it.
I cant.
I wont.
Id be just like them.
He deserves it.
They all deserve it.
Do it.
"George is alive"
My mind pulled back.
The evil thoughts drifting into the darkness.
"What did you say?" I shook my head, looking down at Fred for the first time.
"He's breathing" 
My eyes gazed down at the slight rise and fall of George's broad chest as he lay unconscious on the stone floor.
"Petrificus Totalus"
The Death Eater's body dropped to the ground unmoving.
"What happened? Is he ok?" I questioned, kneeling down beside George's lifeless body.
"I don't know. I tried Rennervate on him but he still wont come to. Whatever spell he has on him, it's very powerful magic" Fred answered.
My mind mulled over his words.
"That can't be. I disarmed him while he was still casting the spell.  It can't be that powerful" 
Even if it is Dark Magic, I cut the spell short.
It should only have half the effect if any.
What the hell did he cast?
Seconds passed until my brain made a connection.
"If he isn't going to tell us, his wand will" I stated, springing to my feet.
Rushing toward the back wall, I grabbed the split wand in my left hand; I pointed the tip of my wand toward the dark brown wood.
"Prior Incantato" 
Smoke spilled from the splintered tip, mixing and intertwining to form a foggy image of the last spell the wand emitted.
George was laying on the ground unconscious.
Grey haze covered his body.
A clock began spinning backwards.
Calender pages flipping over and over.
George's past erasing itself from his memory.
And as soon as the smoke came, it cleared.
Leaving a useless wand and heartbreak.
Tears leaked silently from my lashes.
He erased his memories.
Not just one.
"Fred" I chocked, "Obliviate. He used Obliviate"
My hands shook.
My eyes unwilling to look anywhere but the floor.
"What? What do you mean? What did he remove? How far back?"
I could feel Fred beside me but I knew if I looked up now, id lose any ounce of sanity I had left.
"He erased his memories. Not just one. Im not sure what or how far. It didn't specify" 
"Well, we can surely get them back"
I gave a sad chuckle
"Maybe. Like you said, it's powerful magic"
And Dark.
A spell performed by a dark wizard has twice the power as a spell performed by anyone of us.  
"Im going to get Madam Pomfrey" Fred stated, already running down the hall.
Minutes passed.
I tried to move. 
I really did.
but something was cementing me to where I stood.
What if George doesnt remember, anything?
What if he doesnt remember that he loves me?
That I love him?
What we've been through?
What he's done for me?
What ive done for him?
What if he doesnt remember me?
My neck ached and resisted as my head turned, letting my eyes rest on George's somber face.
I wept. 
Stumbling over my own feet, I knelled down beside him, grasping his large hand between my two smaller ones.
"George? George, you need to remember. Ok? You need to remember everything" I stated.
Footsteps were growing louder and more prominent as I spoke each word.
Madam Pomfrey came into view red faced and rushed as she moved at a fast pace, a hospital bed floating behind her.
"Oh dear boy, we must get him to the wing immediately" She annonced, levitating George onto the bed. 
Nothing else was said.
No other words were spoken.
because even Madam Pomfrey knew, the damage was already done.   


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