6th Year

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"George, we need to talk"
I knew what those words would mean to him, to us, but no matter how hard it was. It needed to be done.
The summer before my sixth year I was going to Hogwarts and George had his very own prospering business. We were just at two different points in our lives. That is why, before the summer came to a close, I ended it with George Weasley.

"Blakely! I thought you were dead, I can't remember the last time I saw you. It's been too long I might add, I am very cross" George leaned down to give me a soft, sweet kiss in the middle of his living room.
I turned my cheek.
"We need to talk" I whispered, not able to look into his eyes.
"What about?" He sounded worried, I didn't blame him.
"It's about us, George" I stated, pulling him over to sit on the worn couch.
"George, it's just, with everything that we know and have seen, what we have done, this year is going to be extra stressful on both of us. You will be busy with the store and I need to focas on school. With Voldemort on the rise, no where is safe, everyone is worried out of their minds. It's just not a good time to be in a serious relationship right now. I hope you understand why I needed to do this because it is hard for me to say goodbye. Especially to you"
Looking up into his eyes for the first time, I didn't expect the response I got back.
"I can't change your mind Blake, I hope you know what you are doing"
I knew if I said yes, there would be no George and Blakely ever again. But there was no other choice.
To keep him safe, id have to lose him.
"Im positive" I stated, holding back the on coming tears.
George ran his hand over his face and stood up.
"Well then, goodbye Blakely. Always a pleasure" He was sarcastic and scornful with his words.
It cut through me like a knife.
Walking up the steps and out of my life, a hole in my heart started to form.

*End Of FlashBack*

It isn't like I chose to break George's heart.
Lord Voldemort chose for me.
Now that every Death Eater in London knows there was not just one Black, but two, my death was a trophey.
One Black down, one to go.
No one in my life was safe from the wrath of the Dark Lord.

I tried to stay out of as much trouble as possiable my 6th year but you know me.
I can't help myself.
Harry and I figured out Draco was a Death Eater, which ended up with Draco bleeding out on the boys bathroom floor.
All because Harry used a book that belonged to someone called The Half Blood Prince.

"And where do you think you're off to?" I asked, catching Harry before he could escape the clutches of the Common Room.
"Astronemy Tower" He answered quickly, too quickly.
Making another go for the door, I stopped him again.
"Didn't know you liked it up there so much seeing as how you've never had Astronemy"
"Dumbledore" He stated, finally walking out of the common room.
Harry was being suspect, even on my standards.
After half an hour passed, I will admit, I was worried. For some reason the words, "Dumbledore" and "Tower" didnt sit well with me. Waiting for a full hour to go by, I finally made my mind up and headed toward the Astronemy Tower.
I took the stairs two at a time, almost to the top until I heard them.
The voices.
The closer I got the more sure I was of who they were.
Death Eaters.
And I was only 6 steps below them.
Unsure of where to go, I was plagued with fear.
I can't very well  run back down the steps without causing a disturbence and I couldn't stay standing here.
Thinking about sliding down the railing, a hand wrapped around my mouth and pulled me under the stairs.
Before I could even think about my plan of attack, my capture spun me around so I could see their full face.
Putting his finger up to my mouth, I stayed Silent.
The Death Eaters above us cackled and rejoiced as they departed the tower. Draco in tow.
"What the hell is going on?" I hissed as soon as they were out of sight. "Death Eaters in Hogwarts! Who did this? Why?"
Harry looked down at me with tear filled eyes.
"We went after a Horcrux" Pulling a golden locket from his jeans, he thumbed it's shiny surface. "When we got back Dumbledore was weak and Draco was already on his way up here. Dumbledore made me hide, I wasn't going to leave him but he insisted. Voldemort ordered Draco to kill Dumbledore, The Death Eaters were let in by Draco. Snape followed and ended up killing..Dumbledore" Harry Sneered the last part while clenching his fists.
I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to.
"Dumbledore's dead?" I was shocked.
"Isn't that what I just said!" Harry yelled, turning back to face me. "Im going after him"
Already running down the steps, I followed after him.
"Harry you can't! He's with Death Eaters, he is a Death Eater!" I yelled at the back of his head.
"He can't kill me" Harry Retorted.
Racing through the halls and into the courtyard, Harry followed the Death Eaters path of destruction.
And I followed Harry.
"SNAPE!" Harry called out, stopping near Hagrids hut. "Snape! He trusted you!"
"Harry stop" I stated, finally catching up to him.
He didn't
"Sepra Sempra" He yelled, pointing his wand at Snape.
Snape deflected and sent Harry backwards with a nameless spell, I drew my wand.
Snape snapped something at Harry's unmoving body but all I could focas on was one thing, one person.
Turning around, Bellatrix met my gaze.
"Ah lookie here, it's like the Blakes come running to get killed" She snickered, raising her wand. "Say hello to daddy for me"
Before she could flick her wrist, the wand was out of her hand and across the field.
"Save them for the Dark Lord" Snape ordered.

*End of FlashBack*

After that Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I all decided we would rather fight then live.
We weren't returning to Hogwarts next year.
We were starting an army.
We were going to end this or die trying.
We were going to hunt Horcruxes.

Things Never Last (Threequal to Things Change A George Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now