Dating Dallas Winston would include...

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This was a request made by abc1238946 hope you enjoy!

·Partying with Dally at Bucks·
Dally invites you to party at Buck's every Friday night. Its your guy's ritual.

·Being really good friends with Johnny·
You both watch over Johnny and let him stay at your house when his parents are acting up.

·Going for late night car rides·
You hear a knock at your window around midnight. You go open your window and see Dally standing there. "What are you doin' here Dally?" "You wanna go on a drive with me?" Dally said with a mischievous grin.

·Him being very protective of you·
"Dally you don't have to put your arm around me everytime a guy within ten feet walks past," you say rolling your eyes playfully."Well they better learn not to mess with my girl. Or they're going to have to deal with my fist."

·Bringing Johnny and Pony Boy along with you guys all the time·
"Hey kiddos wanna come along with me and (y/n) to the nightly double?"

·You guys stealing stuff together·
"Remind me why we stole all this stuff again?" You said. "Well we wanna be prepared for anything right?" He said with his pockets full of cigarettes and junk."

·You being the only girl he has ever truly loved·
You two were cuddling on his bed almost asleep when you hear him murmur those three words: "I love you," you smiled softly and whispered back, "I love ya too," you both fell asleep dreaming of each other.

·You calming him down when soc's make fun of you·
"Hey, why are you hanging out with that greaser when you could be hanging out with us? Oh wait your a greaser girl. Makes sense!" A soc shouted from his mustang. Dally lunged at them, but he quickly fell behind as the mustang sped off with erupting laughter from the soc's.
"Damn soc's," dally said as he walked over to you and put his arm around you. You kissed his cheek to calm him down, as you both headed to the Curtis house. 

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed my first post. Sorry if its bad. Its kinda short too. See ya next time. Peace! -jo

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