Johnny//Faded Blue Pt. 2

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Y/N opened her mouth, not knowing whether she was trying to scream or call out for help.

Fumbling with her words, she hollered out the first names that came to mind.

"S-Sodapop! Dally! HELP!"

She felt herself drop the jacket and back away, like it was responsible for whatever happened to Johnny.

All at once she heard the horrid laughter she'd heard too many times before, mixed with the painful cries of someone that made every hair on her body stand up.

"Johnny?!" She yelled running towards the direction of the cries.

She tried to yell again but was cut off as she ran into the grasp of someone or something.

She screamed trying to get out of the hold until she heard a voice.

"Y/N! Y/N what's the matter are you okay? Where is Johnny?"

She recognized the voice of Darry Curtis say.

She instantly felt her shoulders slump, as she stuttered out one word:

"Johnny. H-He's in trouble."

She looked up to see the whole gang behind him timidly looking her and then at each other.

"C'mon we gotta go find him."

She heard Dally say as he rushed forward.

"I heard him. Coming from this direction. That's why I was running."

Y/N quickly brushed past the gang trying to locate her lost lover in the dark.

She made no effort trying to hold back tears as she silently led the gang down to the lot as fast as she could.

Y/N felt a strong guilty feeling wash over her as she found herself right back at the place where she had left just 10 minutes prior.

Pushing the one thought of saving Johnny to the front of her head, she barrelled over to the socs, who seemingly were beating a form on the ground.


She screamed as loud as she could charging toward one of the socs with all her might.

She gave no thought to the boys behind her, who followed her lead to try and save their friend.

Y/N never fought so hard in her life. She kicked, scratched, punched, and jumped on the backs of socs, causing them to crumble to the ground.

Finally, the sight of Johnny, barely moving caused her to stop fighting. She raced over to him picking his head up gently to check his face.

Bruises. Dark purple and black. They already had begun forming and blood seeped from his lip and corner of his eyelid.

Y/N could barely recognize him.

"Oh baby,"

She muttered, quiet sobs escaping past her lips as she hugged him to her chest.

She paid no attention to the gang that was now surrounding her and Johnny, they stared down at their feet, guilt etched on their faces.

She didn't blame them. She blamed herself.

Not knowing what else to do, she slowly laid down in the grass, lying next to a still Johnny.

"Y/N, he needs medical atten-"

"Well of course he does! Can't you see him?"

Steve interrupted Ponyboy.

"Will you two shut up? Johnny could be on the brink of death. Dally help me carry him."

Darry said before Dally picked Johnny up, rushing to the Curtis house.

The others followed as Y/N stood back expressionless with no urge to move.

Finally, she felt Two-bit swing his arm over her shoulder.

"C'mon doll, you ain't looking too good yourself."

She nodded slightly, walking alongside good ole' Two-bit.

She slowed near Johnny's jacket, bending down to pick it up.

She hugged the faded blue denim to her closely, instantly breaking down in tears.

Two-bit helped support her unsteady body, as he guided the poor girl into the house.

Immediately, she knelt by Johnny's side on the couch, never leaving his side all night.

She unconsciously felt herself slip on the dirty old denim jacket, despite the markings of the night that would haunt her forever.

But the nightmares would go away, for she knew they always would as long as she woke up next to the courageous face of her lover.

Otherwise known as Johnny Cade.

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