Their Protectivness

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Ponyboy: 5/10
Being his usual quiet and calm self he wouldn't speak up when some guy was hitting on you, until eventually it got out of hand and he grabbed you by your hand and pushing you behind him while he called out the guy.

"Thanks Pony. You didn't have to do that,"

"I just don't like seeing guys treat my lady like that,"

Johnny: 7/10
Surprisingly, he isn't afraid to tell a guy to back off when they're getting too close to you. Dally must've really got into his head when he punched a guy once for touching you. It took you and him by surprise.

"God dang babe,"

"D-did I really just do that?"

Sodapop: 8/10
Soda is pretty territorial when it comes to his girl. Especially since the whole Sandy incident. His usual cheery self is quickly demolished into rage when someone does something to you. He usually tries to get Steve to help him get revenge if a soc messes with you.

"There gonna regret doing that to you. Lets get em' Steve,"

"Go get em' for me,"

Two-bit: 8/10
This guy definitely got into a huge rage when you both got drunk and saw some guy hitting on you. Before you knew it the guy was on the floor and Two-bit had pulled you away by the waist.

"What a jackass,"

"Gee thanks,"

"Not you, the other dude,"

Steve: 9/10
All the socs know how Steve will get revenge for messing with his girl. You usually have to calm him down before he kills somebody.
Lots of kisses and side hugs do the trick.

"You're lucky I love you, or I would've beat him up,"

"Yeah, whatever hero boy,"

Dally: 100/10
The gang can barely make a flirty joke without Dally threatening to beat the hell outta them. He could take down an entire gang of socs with all the rage he had when he spotted a guy trying to drag you away.
The guy probably wouldn't be able to walk straight for the rest of his life.

"Holy shit that was hot babe,"

"Well they better learn not to mess with you,"

Darry: 10/10
Even Dally gets scared of Darry when he gets all protective of you. Nothing terrible has happened yet but sometimes it gets annoying though when he won't even let you go outside alone at night. But you love him for it anyway.

"I can walk myself home hun,"

"Just stay here tonight alright? You can bunk with me,"


Sorry its been a little while. I've been busy, and I kinda lost interest. But I'm back now!

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